Exact Aiming

Exact Aiming

№ 11389344
Author: 400kg
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teahouse3 d. ago
Shian2024/12/04 (Modified in 1 h. 1 min.)
Things i'll improve:
I'm not consistent with a hand position
I tend to rotate the mouse
I tend to move the mouse close to the target and then making a second move to the center of the target
I tend to not watch directly to the target, instead i just use my peripheral vision

I tend to get nervous when i feel like there is too much targets (4+) and start making fast and erratic moves
I tend to lose a mental order of targets when i lose a target, so i have to start from 0

A miss is -50 points, and a loss is a -100
So its worth it spending a little bit more time on aiming ensuring not getting a miss prioritizing bigger targets

The missing, loss, final countdown, highscore sounds, and timers / scores, makes me lose focus
I dont have a solid what-to-do in case a miss / loss target
I don't have a solid routine to train on
I have a problem, i tend to rotate the mouse on horizontal moves.

So the movements are not linear from side to side, instead it makes a little curve.
Because i'm not consistent with a hand position and i tend to change from palm/claw grip to fingertip grip if i have to aim higher.
And some random mixed in between hand positions, like a skew ones on horizontal moves.

I feel like i just need re-learn how to use the mouse from 0 xD

But i'm not bad at aiming, i'm average... So maybe exposing this problem this could help someone out there
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