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Comentários: 61
LIB2 h. 46 min. atrás (Modificado em 1 min. 46 s.)
I've tried hard and hard, and yet, I do not see the results of my action. Did I do something wrong? Probably, but it is best to wait a little until the dust finally settles and you can see your results right there and then. I know it's easy to be unmotivated by the lack of results, but if you continue on pushing every single good or bad day, you will eventually find what you were looking for, you might even get much more than what you've expected.
LIB3 dias. atrás
The hardest part can be letting go of that something/someone. For as bad or good riddance might be; we've grown somewhat attached to it.
3ag1e6 dias. atrás
-839856 pts 😨😨😨
It's not far fetched, do not let anyone tell you that it is, as long as you embrace the proper care and methodology whilst accepting your imperfections you can possibly start developing your reality towards that goal you were underestimated for.
Enough is enough, it's up to you to decide to go further or stop if you simply think you can't.
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