Exact Aiming

Exact Aiming

№ 11262776
Autor: 400kg
Abbrechen (ESC)
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Kommentare: 628
LIB2 tage. 11 std. vor (Geändert in 39 sek.)
The passing away of those we care about, their legacy shall live on with us even if it is just a picture in our head. Those beautiful moments where care was shown, hugs where given, laughs were exchanged and many more, these moments, these happy moments helped us get through tough situations. Even if it was just a joke, it still counts as something we'll remember.
(RIP Kabosu "Doge", thanks for all the smiles you gave.)
ChY0rt4 tage. vor
27285 оч 
Пришёл новый китайский коврик, сразу за 27к вышел
sjove5 tage. vor
sjove5 tage. vor
16787 new record!!!
sjove5 tage. vor
sjove6 tage. vor
new record 14062
Antworten: 1
sjove6 tage. vor
it is too low
Know that a miss is preferable over a loss; For it shows you atleast gave it a try.
When I started with the score 16k I never thought I would get to 24k in a few months. Giving yourself a challange to break your record everytime gives you the motivation and suddenly you'll start to aim better than a sniper.
blackwolf_3652024/05/14 (Geändert in 26 sek.)
бyлo 15к. зaбив нa цю фiгню. з чacoм пiдшaмaнив мишкy, вiндy, dpi, в iгpax вcix cинxpoнiзyвaв ceнcy. зapaз з пepшoгo paзy нa iзi бeз нaпpягy 20к. щo xoчy cкaзaти: нe гpaйтe цe гiвнo - цe нe тpeнyвaння. цe чиcтo бeнчмapк вac i вaшoї cиcтeми. якщo чacтo в цe гpaти -цe бyдe пpocтo бeзмicтoвнe зaдpoчyвaння. i тaк мoжнa cкaзaти пpo вci iгpи нa цьoмy caйтi

I used to get 15k. Gave up on this crap. After a while I tweaked my mouse, Windows, DPI, synced sensitivity across all games. Now I easily hit 20k first try. What I'm saying is: don't play this shit - it's not training. It's purely a benchmark for you - human and your system. If you play it often it's just pointless grinding. And that goes for all the games on this site.
Antworten: 6
Andere Antworten erweitern (3)
blackwolf_365, u can use lower dpi.for example top 1 is 450 3/11.
Kalate2024/05/19 (Geändert in 37 sek.)
26.6к без подготовки, слабый ты хохол)))
blackwolf_3651 tage. 16 std. vor
Kalate, кoгo ти нaйoбyєш, кaцaп? ти ж зaдpoт єбaний - cидиш тyт щe з чaciв мaмoнтiв
And these scars will heal themselves...
And trust me that this process will be hard. You may be angry, frustrated, upset. You might be tired, stubborn, hopeless. You could be scared, swayed away, distracted. It is likely you'd wish for luck to save you. And this suffering may seem never ending.
But you will never ever give up, and eventually surpass your own results.
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