LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
经验 8664 xp
使用的昵称 LIB
已注册 2024/04/07
评论: 149
LIB2 h. 50 min. ago
Don't be afraid to experiment outside of your common skills and necessities, venture out into challenging practices. For example, if a runner continues solely relying on a limited source of exercise and training; training and results will be dulled. Variety on the other hand will amplify their development by making them more adapted to more variable physical efforts.
LIB1 天. 5 h. ago
There's an appeal to everything, including often taboo or irrational topics. Any kind of liking can bring a some level of happiness along with some benefits, but it can also carry misery and disadvantage to others, yourself included. In short; there's no behaviour or action free of shortcomings, however, there are some whose long-term benefits overwhelm the initial pain it may inflict (probably exercise and study). Choose wisely, but above all choose that which you like; what appeals to you. Undeniably you will feel great and happy, until you aren't due to the hidden plague within that which appeals to you.
LIB2 天. 12 h. ago
I am still addicted to some dreadful habits of mine. But probably the worst habit there exists: Not recognizing your imperfections and mistakes, moreover not accepting them to make a change for the better.
LIB2 天. 12 h. ago
Any type of feedback and critique is a must for anyone or anything that desires to achieve a higher standard. Without challenge, countless and supposedly perfect repetition won't fully account if there's no one receiving your efforts and providing you with a fair and elaborated response (or whatever form of answer). Look at how some lifeforms have adapted through harshness and unevenness, only the strongest (more like better adapted) survive. Challenge was responsible for driving their species towards success. However, they've only experienced a plethora of unique feedback exclusive to their environment, this in turn makes them either endemic; solely being able to live in a predetermined habitat with controlled and strict conditions, or invasive species; giving them a better chance at surviving within unfamiliar regions. In our case, we need to vary the obstacles and impediments that are in our path; so that we can be ready if any familiarity or safety is usurped away from us.
LIB3 天. ago
There's proof that good things can come out of bad things and contrariwise, it is mainly dependant on your aspirations and expectations, depending on what you picked the sky might look brighter & the task more manageable or it might look stormy and hard to perform through. Problems stem from every thought rather than any physical mean, you have to look at the silver lining that it may bring onto you. Even passing aways can teach you so many beautiful things.