Switch Tracking

Switch Tracking

№ 7116992
المؤلف: Saltigrade
إلغاء (ESC)
اترك تعليق
تعليقات: 109
LIB5 د. قبل
A single word can terrify some people to the point of inaction, but it is actually less harmful than what they think over some things.
1799 @ 400dpi
Whenever you are given a permission (or some license) you should take full advantage of it whilst following the rules (laws and norms), if you break them; you are to be stopped on your tracks.
There are abilities that are long learned and well earned which make some seem as capable as machines, beasts or prodigies. It's not just a matter of genetics or what you were born with. These skills aren't for anyone to take, only the most willing to advance are able to attain this level of power.
الردود: 1
LIB2024/09/12 (تم التعديل في 53 ثانية.)
No book is gonna solve your life, no treatment is gonna miraculously heal you, no tool will automatically solve the job, no food will completely fill in your nutritional requirements for the day. In conclusion, there are no single fix-it-all solutions to every problem, it's a combination of all solutions, or most of them, over a long and sufficient period of time. When you decide to employ every effort and tool towards something, that's when you can finally solve it.
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