Press Reaction

Press Reaction

№ 4223126
作成者: 400kg
キャンセル (ESC)
コメント: 499
LIB1 時間. 34 分. ago
More and more fuel shall be given to our inner fires. That is passion.
So many lies, so many falsehoods... This is the world some of us might live in, but no facade is worse than the one we mould on ourselves, choosing to be overshadowed by your own lack of delivering to yourself. So go on and fulfil the promises you've made, primordially the ones you bowed to yourself.
返信: 1
ChaosKarotteBB6 日. ago
Natural forms of expression. Allow for them to fill your physical and mental needs, particularly those in that are necessary for your survival. These simple gestures are almost unstoppable (like yawning) and therefore will find a way to take place and possibly damage you in the long run if not held.
Attempt 1: 0.164
Attempt 2: 0.187
Attempt 3: 0.177
Attempt 4: 0.193
Attempt 5: 0.182
Attempt 6: 0.192
Attempt 7: 0.190
Attempt 8: 0.187
Attempt 9: 0.207
Attempt 10: 0.205
返信: 2
Pretty impressive
I find this amazing. I have had a game where the screen would turn red to measure your reaction time when you get startled, and it's honestly around the 160ms-mark. But I cannot ever reproduce it. Whatever startled you the first time is expected the second time. Some say visualizing getting stabbed in the eye helps, but without actual imminent danger I lack the capacity to truly get startled through visualization alone.

Hats off to you, when you get sub 180 MS 5 out of 10 times.
Attempt 1: 0.213
Attempt 2: 0.252
Attempt 3: 0.197
Attempt 4: 0.180
Attempt 5: 0.203
Attempt 6: 0.188
Attempt 7: 0.174
Attempt 8: 0.244
Attempt 9: 0.179
Attempt 10: 0.179
