Press Reaction

Press Reaction

№ 4211000
المؤلف: 400kg
إلغاء (ESC)
اترك تعليق
تعليقات: 442
LIB8 h. قبل (تم التعديل في 15 ثانية.)
Negativity is like a virus, plaguing the undefended mind prompting destruction of all morals and spreading havoc to neighboring people, and it quickly does that causing more damage to a society. In contrast; Positivity has the same ability to divulge itself with the huge difference being that it doesn’t cause harm, and it instead provides well-being for all parties involved, plus it reinforces union between individuals.
spaikz19 h. قبل
Score: 0.2598 sec
Attempt 1: 0.287
Attempt 2: 0.295
Attempt 3: 0.298
Attempt 4: 0.235
Attempt 5: 0.205
Attempt 6: 0.237
Attempt 7: 0.276
Attempt 8: 0.279
Attempt 9: 0.233
Attempt 10: 0.253
teahouse1 د. 23 h. قبل
尝试 1: 0.253
尝试 2: 0.282
尝试 3: 0.320
尝试 4: 0.283
尝试 5: 0.288
尝试 6: 0.279
尝试 7: 0.341
尝试 8: 0.317
尝试 9: 0.268
尝试 10: 0.300
teahouse1 د. 23 h. قبل
尝试 1: 0.293
尝试 2: 0.316
尝试 3: 0.301
尝试 4: 0.299
尝试 5: 0.308
尝试 6: 0.283
尝试 7: 0.290
尝试 8: 0.305
尝试 9: 0.319
尝试 10: 0.302
LIB5 د. قبل (تم التعديل في 43 ثانية.)
Funnily enough, sometimes the only thing one needs to attain happiness is just to take a deep breath outside, preferably a park or some place with abundant nature, and let go of your worries just as you exhale.
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