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Experiencia | 8664 xp |
Apodos usados | LIB |
Registrado | 2024/04/07 |
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LIB1 h. 57 min. hace
Stand up and fight, life will only continue to palter pelter those that aren't willing to do something about it. And if you cannot stand on your feet, kneel if you can; if you can't kneel, crawl if you can; and if you cannot crawl, live as you can. The important part is that you attack back with your own rocks (accomplishments and actions}, create your own defense, dodge whatever it throws your way, or at the very least try to accept the injury and pain caused by it.
LIB13 h. hace
Do not allow negative thoughts to infect you, because although these ire-charged projections might bestow you with incredible strength, power, and focus they still produce a great quantity of bile and side-effects. It can have the huge drawback of spreading unnecessary damage and corruption. Positive thoughts, on the contrary, provide you with a persistent level of rightful action that's related to that particular topic. It simply is the complete opposite of negativity. Neutral thoughts, on the other dimension, do not offer much aside from stability and fairness, they're the balance that keeps them together and clashing. They're just as important as the other two to not allow you to hang way too far from sustainable points.
LIB1 días. 21 h. hace
We are naturally good at coping with our struggles, however, this cope isn't always a good thing; it can be taken advantage from others, which is why eating ready-to-eat processed food is a thing. Things that are make us feel good and away from that original affliction will almost always hook us into continue further indulgence into them. We all have to cope in some way, but others choose to use that energy for constructive, formative, and calming methods rather than damaging and hampering habits that show their true results once enough repetition has taken place.
LIB2 días. 21 h. hace
Personal plans shouldn't be unveiled to anyone except for yourself and a select group of individuals who you trust with your whole soul. If you go on revealing people your methodology and process it might be more likely for them to more excited or emotional about it, but at the cost of removing most of the element of surprise. In the end, it is way worse if you leave this information to your enemy's analysis. Just tell enough, not too little; not too much.
LIB2 días. 22 h. hace
Accept the help and gift that others give to you, especially if they are someone you can trust and always enjoy spending time with. Having being granted the permission to partake in the employance of a particular good/service with the added condition of not directly being responsible for its acquisition; it was instead given to you by another person whose relation to you resides in on a positive scale. If you choose to reject, ignore, or waste it you may meet the dangers an a little shaken alliance simply because of the fact that you hurt that person's feelings and intentions.