d0gewood: Why do we fall? To learn to pick ourselves up.
Why do we fall? To learn to pick ourselves up.
Expérience 13140 xp
Surnoms utilisés d0gewood, wolfmetal, death2wager
Enregistré 2021/07/21
Nom de familleHause
Date de naissance0001/01/01
PaysUnited States of America
VilleWashington D.C
Il n'y a pas encore d'abonnés
Commentaires: 2
I retired. I had one of the largest medal collections on the website, thanks for half a year of aim training. I'll be checking back every so often to mitigate getting duller, but alas, Godspeed o7.
Réponses: 1
You'll be missed. Wishing you the best.