LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
Expérience 8376 xp
Surnoms utilisés LIB
Enregistré 2024/04/07
Il n'y a pas encore d'abonnés
Commentaires: 66
LIB10 h. il y a
So many of the good things in life require patience, a lot of wait time. For example, if you practice playing an instrument everyday for years and years with excitement to educate yourself more and more you can get to become a complete master in that instrument and possibly in music as a whole. We must be persistent even though we don't see any progress being made, we can only see the true results of our habits after weeks, months, and years. There are also effects that present themselves with a more short-lived waiting time, through milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days in which they finally reveal their consequences. Of course these aren't always as long-lived and positive as the good things in life.
LIB1 jours. 10 h. il y a
In history there'll always be the figures who helped others in need without asking anything but their wellbeing in return. These people are some of the most honored historic individuals, they've caused liberation, freedom, independence, and revolutions. These are the fathers and mothers of a country or a movement, one that was built on their ideals and actions. Without them most things wouldn't have been fair for everyone, there'd be enslavement, inequity, abuse, and many more atrocious acts. Thank them for what they've done for you and others.
LIB2 jours. 6 h. il y a
A day can always be a good day when you spend time with family and friends (cliché? Yes). You don't need much aside from half-decent food and a big enough room.­
LIB2 jours. 6 h. il y a
People will primarily remember you for what you meant for them and what you did. And that memory is subject to judgement. Did you help them? Or did you take advantage of them and cruelly ruined their lives?
LIB4 jours. il y a
In a duel of malevolent habits and situations only the worse of the worse will win: Continuing said habits. Regardless of how small or insignificant they may seem, if you choose to prolong their life and effect on you then it will compound into a catastrophic result.
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