LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
Expérience 8376 xp
Surnoms utilisés LIB
Enregistré 2024/04/07
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Commentaires: 72
LIB2 h. 17 min. il y a
Being strong is completely different from having strength, one is a quality and the other is the quantity of physical demand you can handle. In life, there are people that don't have a brawny body and still manage to push through difficult tasks by applying everything they have at their disposal; their knowledge, intelligence, connections, bravery, steadfastness, and many other values they may possess. I've known some people whose physical form doesn't topple mountains and yet they are able to move them like it's a walk in the park; through their very same wisdom and persuasion over others. I've also known some people whose notion on life hasn't been grasped, and although they continue on moving and lifting every load they can; their score is yet to be graded, it is without good form, diet, mind, schedule, habits, toughness, knowledge, and assistance. Instead opting on moving the way their body demands (detrimental to correctly exercising), eating whatever they are given and taking the most appealing supplement, always thinking superficially about everything, doing things as they may come, engaging in specious habits that cause problems later down the line, pushing far but not as far as they actually can, believing gaudy titbits of info they may hear sometimes, going solo or accompanied by bad influences. Everybody lacks something, but no one should ever lack the ability to learn from mistakes.
LIB1 jours. 5 h. il y a
When you start something at morning and finish it at night you are either extremely inefficient or incredibly dedicated to that craft. The latter situation is always preferable, but only if you are actually actively focusing and working hard towards your art/work.
LIB2 jours. 3 h. il y a (Modifié dans 17 sec.)
Burying your past regrets, knowledge, mistakes, belongings, and experiences will only continue to further downgrade you and others' potential. You shouldn't hide these achievements and mishaps although it may hurt to show them to everyone, if you maintain your truth concealed for a long time (possibly across millennia) your legacy may end up more distorted and misunderstood. Let humanity learn from your mistakes, accomplishments, passions, wisdom, and every part of your being.
LIB2 jours. 3 h. il y a
When you are not loved you may undoubtedly resort to hating others indiscriminately. But this is rarely the case since there are people close to you who care a lot about you, and there could be others who are completely unrelated to you and yet find a way to give you importance.
LIB2 jours. 20 h. il y a
Gladness can come from any place, but it is especially granted by talking about your life with others whilst recognizing every tiny detail that's made you who you are, of course this also involves gratefulness. In this conversation it may arise to them talking about their issues and current struggles, and when you compare in a positive way everything someone has to suffer through, what it means for them, and finally that your own livelihood isn't as harsh as theirs.
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