Tracking Hard

Tracking Hard

№ 12124390
Auteur: 400kg
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Commentaires: 231
LIB2 jours. 6 h. il y a
No one is born inherently evil or good; It's the choices that one makes that determines alignment.
Toske4 jours. il y a
lets all love Lain
LIB2024/06/16 (Modifié dans 27 sec.)
Even if you feel like you're stuck in an eternal loop of incapacity, that time in your life where you feel some apathy towards everything and therefore not willing to do anything....
Employ that which brings you happiness to inspire you to keep going on, as this feel will only be temporary. And your actions will be permanent
Remember that having bad days and good days is a part of life, and that sometimes you just need to talk with someone to remember your qualities as a person, your purpose in this world. Have a good day!
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