Exact Aiming

Exact Aiming

№ 11258209
저자: 400kg
취소 (ESC)
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댓글: 620
0p1um17 시간. 전
sjove20 시간. 전
it is too low
LIB1 일. 7 시간. 전
Know that a miss is preferable over a loss; For it shows you atleast gave it a try.
MIGAMEN955 일. 전
When I started with the score 16k I never thought I would get to 24k in a few months. Giving yourself a challange to break your record everytime gives you the motivation and suddenly you'll start to aim better than a sniper.
blackwolf_3656 일. 전 (수정 됨 26 초.)
бyлo 15к. зaбив нa цю фiгню. з чacoм пiдшaмaнив мишкy, вiндy, dpi, в iгpax вcix cинxpoнiзyвaв ceнcy. зapaз з пepшoгo paзy нa iзi бeз нaпpягy 20к. щo xoчy cкaзaти: нe гpaйтe цe гiвнo - цe нe тpeнyвaння. цe чиcтo бeнчмapк вac i вaшoї cиcтeми. якщo чacтo в цe гpaти -цe бyдe пpocтo бeзмicтoвнe зaдpoчyвaння. i тaк мoжнa cкaзaти пpo вci iгpи нa цьoмy caйтi

I used to get 15k. Gave up on this crap. After a while I tweaked my mouse, Windows, DPI, synced sensitivity across all games. Now I easily hit 20k first try. What I'm saying is: don't play this shit - it's not training. It's purely a benchmark for you - human and your system. If you play it often it's just pointless grinding. And that goes for all the games on this site.
답글: 5
다른 답변 펼치기 (2)
blackwolf_3655 일. 전
caperdiem,  2D≠3D and the mouse movement is limited here because of the small window. i used my wrist here (which made it even easier to ‘train’), while in games the whole arm
caperdiem4 일. 전
blackwolf_365, u can use lower dpi.for example top 1 is 450 3/11.
Kalate1 일. 7 시간. 전 (수정 됨 37 초.)
26.6к без подготовки, слабый ты хохол)))
And these scars will heal themselves...
And trust me that this process will be hard. You may be angry, frustrated, upset. You might be tired, stubborn, hopeless. You could be scared, swayed away, distracted. It is likely you'd wish for luck to save you. And this suffering may seem never ending.
But you will never ever give up, and eventually surpass your own results.
Madness is to do the same thing over and over again without changing anything. Practice is different in the way that you better your technique by observing each repetition. Keep practicing.

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