Fast Reaction

Fast Reaction

№ 16106106
저자: 400kg
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If it causes complete failure; avoid it, it if causes partial recoverable failure; assume it. Unlike a fracture, soreness can be beneficial as it encourages learning and it signals the brain to act in accordance. Besides, when the pain is too great (and is accompanied by suffering) one will determine that care or total avoidance should be exercised.
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Rapid changes usually come at a cost, more so when no previous modifications have been made to fit them. In similitude to a diver, slowly resurface stage by stage to eventually make a recovery and be back to normal. Or else sudden alterations will quite literally crush you from all sides, if you are lucky you may survive with certain impairment.
Delayed gratification is the ultimate form of gratification; with pain comes relief after it has subsided.
Going all out every single day without proper care and provisions in place is sure to weaken and break everyone including those whose physique and mind goes beyond human. I state that, going all out is a possible achievement for anyone to make resource and technique are necessary for it to be proven true. Rest, sustenance, hydration, knowledge, guide, inspiration, self-assessment, and many other important values will account for it to be made.

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