LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
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Registrado 2024/04/07
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LIB1 dias. 15 h. atrás
If you care too much about what others say of you then you will simply live by their qualifications designed to you. You should only partially care about what others think of you, it isn't advisable for you to live excluding others and their ideas about you. Accept fair criticisms and carry on with your days.
LIB2 dias. 22 h. atrás
Anonymity makes wickedness more feasible as it is less likely to be caught red handed. But we aren't to do evil out of easy opportunities or perform good out of impossible difficulties. We have a choice to make and it won't be wrong or right, it will be our choice and only that in the end.
LIB3 dias. atrás
You are free to rest, but you aren't free to give up. Do not give up just yet.
LIB4 dias. atrás
To have your name plastered over something can be an honor or something to regret, it depends no how many you've helped, harmed, and what you have done. So many historical figures have the luck to be remembered as heroes or villains, but in the end, their actions are what defined them as who they are. The many sides of history always put the victor as a saviour whilst the losing side gets mocked for their attempts at doing what they thought was right.
LIB5 dias. atrás
Those who have a form of disability will struggle more to do what's needed, but in the end if they manage to do things normally despite all the burden they may suffer through, then they may possibly do greater work; for their fight with their own complications fills them with courage to go beyond what's usual. Thanks to this the only challenge they may face is stopping and giving up.
LIB6 dias. atrás
Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. All of them are days in which you can work towards developing yourself, they're for the opportunistic who decide to take them for personal tasks instead of resting. Even so, you are free to use any day however you like independent of its name, date, festivity, season, or year.
LIB6 dias. atrás
Life will always award those who aren't afraid to live it.
Getting to correct someone is always satisfactory, on the other hand when we get corrected ourselves we experience some frustration and the other person may get certain gratification for amending our slight mistake. Obviously a correction can sometimes be incorrect if the person making it hasn't researched enough about it or has false information about it. But you don't have to be correct at everything in order to live your life to its fullest, you should know enough about every subject that's of interest to you and your career. Everything else you want to learn is fair game and up to you.
How much time does it take for us to adapt to change? Perhaps it may take us days, weeks, months, or years. But it doesn't take forever. Once we've dealt with our grievances and accepted things the way they are; we will automatically be adapted to any exchange we may have suffered.
Be responsible, things by themselves won't attend themselves and others. Understandably, a minority of people cannot take care of their own selves yet, very rarely they won't ever be able to be on their own without issue. We have to support the development of responsibility, especially in young or irresponsible people. Later on, we can find ourselves complaining about certain individuals that aren't responsible of the waste derived from them, even if it was incidental. Taking care of our own things will always be the first stride before we are able to pay attention and help to others.
Every hour of your life brings you new knowledge (sleeping hours included), however not all information is of use to us, a certain part of them can be completely useless that only informs you of trivial topics. Very rarely you can find the ones that provide you with life-long advice.
Why do we mock those we oppose? Maybe it is to feel stronger about ourselves or weaken their morale to a point where they’re more manageable, there are many reasons to make fun of someone you despise. But in doing so, are you respecting or at least honouring that your opposite exists? It is developing you through every conflict between you, it maintains some level of purpose and goal, would it be okay to completely humiliate your competition? In part, it’s used for getting a false picture of security about yourself whilst painting the opponent in a much laughable color. Everyone has done it at some point of their life, and to some level or another it causes more friction between you and the individual you mocked.
Start with a clear & simple idea, then evolve from that idea. Ideas are born from ideas, what you've thought before will affect what you currently think, and might think of later on.
Laugh about problems, it’s not only stress relieving but it also fills you with some confidence to solve them.
One, two, three, four, five… Do it as many times as you need, until it is finished. Or you will you choose to give up?
Failure is acceptable as many times as you need when you are training, but once you are out of the practice field failure becomes something you must avoid at all costs, especially during the big leagues.
It’s too early for you to surrender and refuse to continue. You try and try again, changing your perspective and methods in every attempt until there is no other way to fix it. Someone else could probably help you if you offer them an equal pay, but it isn’t guaranteed to be solved. And despite the fact that in the end you didn’t succeed, a person with the same qualities and defects as you will eventually succeed in what you struggled.
There’s nothing wrong in seeing a more harmless/optimistic and even fun side within the current subject-matter you are tackling. It can lighten the burden and brighten up mood. So try to see the bright side, even if you are going through a lot of misfortune.
Batteries can go under 0% or past 100%, but crossing that threshold can damage it permanently. Our body and mind are comparable in certain way, with a huge advantage being our capacity to regenerate. Regardless, overcharging yourself with food, activity and rest can have as much impact as draining yourself; depriving sustenance, activities and sleep. Furthermore, unlike a device's battery, we cannot completely replace our rest, and even things that seem to boost our activity levels only do so temporarily and have a hard limit(i. e. coffee). In contrast, there are some habits that appear to lower our energy levels but actually heighten our capacity (i. e. exercise). Don't be afraid to consult someone who actually knows how to handle this kind of subjects.
At some point the accumulation of tough tasks can make someone hardened as a person. Just as how muscles develop when they are exercised and have time to recover.
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