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You must give what you want in order for it to come back to you triple or more, you must also want what you give for this to be of benefit to you. If none If both thoughts aren't held in high regard then it's likely you will either not acquire that which you wished for, or you might receive a lot of things that aren't of use to you, perhaps worse.
Magnets are a clear physic breaker for the common instinct, but we can understand it as opposed to other animals. What is almost alienish to our comprehension has now become a crucial part of our machines and tools.
Cheap prices can often have expensive costs, especially if it involves the wellbeing of humans. Cutting corners in order to save money can be detrimental to anyone who requires a higher quality.
Doing something which isn't on your level of knowledge and capabilities will always pose a risk to your integrity, if you are lucky you might get away safe and sound, or with a small scratch or bruise and probably with a some scolding from whoever is correcting you. It is important for you to take a brief of what's going to occur and how is going to unfold. If it's not something which you are ready for, you may have the option to prepare yourself or back away completely.
Simple tasks are just that; simplicity, trying to find complexity in them will mean wasting time and hindering progress.
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