Reflex Aiming

Reflex Aiming

№ 1679597
Autor: 400kg
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coal1 dias. 10 h. atrás
Yo what's up guys. My flicking is terrible with these small objects. If i just flick consistently, am i going to get better? like I'm talking about just kind of mindless flicking. Or, do I need to analyze each and every shot I take. So, I'm basically wondering that If I just flick like this everyday with kind of just a mindless approach, am I going to naturally adapt or will muscle memory prevent me from improving since its kind of like a habit of missing.
There's nothing wrong in basing your actions on someone else's technique or design. Problems mostly present themselves once you start claiming it was yours without clear attribution or fair use. Legal concerns aside, humanity has depended on sharing or stealing knowledge and material to evolve. Without the transformation provided by unlawful or lawful exchange most technologies would stay the same for thousands of years.
If you choose to live with the conditions imposed on you; expecting to finally rid of them will be harder. With effort and method one can step outside those boundaries.
day 1:6903
Little and little complains by the thousands will tire out even the most stoic person. Over a long time any metal will succumb to deformity thanks to the conditions and environment.
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