Exact Aiming

Exact Aiming

№ 11375186
Autor: 400kg
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LIB3 h. 18 min. atrás
Any day in which you've learned something new; that's a day of triumph. Learn as much (and as best) as you can. That is what makes a day worth your time and effort, not the money or goods you've earned.
junichi5 h. atrás
30677, i feel like no one can stop me, that strange but i really feels like that, i'm brazillian guy who are training around 5 years away, in this journey i wish that i have people who want to learn more with me, have a conversation with me, and evolve with me, but the majority of people dont have this mindset, and i understand :)
But i wish that one day you have the same feeling that i having now...
I'm not strong enough
I'm not good enough
Respostas: 1
LIB3 h. 18 min. atrás
Same here.
teahouse4 dias. atrás
teahouse6 dias. atrás
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