Exact Aiming

Exact Aiming

№ 11284639
Autor: 400kg
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tiko235 h. atrás
689 with score: 20509 分
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tiko235 h. atrás
tiko238 h. atrás
18764 pts
LIB15 h. atrás
The world is at this current state not because we are human beings, as although our character often makes us desireful, the reality of the situation is that we aren't being human enough; We got through harsher times in the past by being together whilst helping others in the same situation as us. This is what means to be human, because even if there is a living being that is immeasurably strong, adaptive or intelligent, it will still be vulnerable like none of those traits mattered if it's not supported by others of its species. That is what makes us human.
teahouse1 dias. 4 h. atrás
teahouse2 dias. 3 h. atrás
Respostas: 1
teahouse2 dias. 3 h. atrás
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