Flick Aiming

Flick Aiming

№ 4231564
Autor: 400kg
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LIB40 min. atrás
Eventually there will be a point in which your gear no longer suits you; Once you have mastered it to its limits you will be worthy to acquire a higher tier, a tool that finally equals your skill. And so on the cycle will repeat itself, you'd think that this is an unfortunate system, but it is quite the opposite, as your overwhelming skill is bound to impact through many layers of life.
ij13 h. atrás
ij14 h. atrás
LIB3 dias. atrás
And even if we fail doing so... In the course of time, someone else will rise to do the same, initially making our same mistakes, then learning from them like we did all over again. Althought we are able to convey a instructions and knowledge through the medium of books and mentorship, it will not prevent mistakes from being made. Have the confidence that atleast they won't stop trying even if they fail doing so.
Gyrofan135 dias. atrás
bong1236 dias. atrás
Things dont happend over night, it takes dedication and hard work.
bong1236 dias. atrás
Never give up. You will improve, by practicing.
To say that our pain is greater... Doesn't take into account that there are people that experience our pain tenfold, moreover the fact that there are people that experience, in contrast to our needs and wishes, a drastically distinct pain; Hunger, impoverishment, insecurity, abandoment and misery.
No matter the pain... If we are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, then we shall proceed knowing that eventually we will be able to lay down and finally be free of it.
apparently my capture max is lower than 0.01, why is this game broken :(
после определенного момента лучше не пытаться , потому что только уменьшаются баллы
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