Press Reaction

Press Reaction

№ 4221462
Autor: 400kg
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LIB2 h. 7 min. atrás
Natural forms of expression. Allow for them to fill your physical and mental needs, particularly those in that are necessary for your survival. These simple gestures are almost unstoppable (like yawning) and therefore will find a way to take place and possibly damage you in the long run if not held.
wumka3 dias. atrás
Attempt 1: 0.164
Attempt 2: 0.187
Attempt 3: 0.177
Attempt 4: 0.193
Attempt 5: 0.182
Attempt 6: 0.192
Attempt 7: 0.190
Attempt 8: 0.187
Attempt 9: 0.207
Attempt 10: 0.205
Respostas: 2
Mechanic009003 dias. atrás
Pretty impressive
Runeangel1 dias. 20 h. atrás
I find this amazing. I have had a game where the screen would turn red to measure your reaction time when you get startled, and it's honestly around the 160ms-mark. But I cannot ever reproduce it. Whatever startled you the first time is expected the second time. Some say visualizing getting stabbed in the eye helps, but without actual imminent danger I lack the capacity to truly get startled through visualization alone.

Hats off to you, when you get sub 180 MS 5 out of 10 times.
wumka3 dias. atrás
Attempt 1: 0.213
Attempt 2: 0.252
Attempt 3: 0.197
Attempt 4: 0.180
Attempt 5: 0.203
Attempt 6: 0.188
Attempt 7: 0.174
Attempt 8: 0.244
Attempt 9: 0.179
Attempt 10: 0.179
2221131325 dias. atrás
Попытка 1: 0.644
Попытка 2: 0.629
Попытка 3: 0.341
Попытка 4: 1.501
1 сек штраф
Попытка 5: 0.500
Попытка 6: 0.045
Попытка 7: 0.485
Попытка 8: 0.404
Попытка 9: 0.411
Попытка 10: 0.323
teahouse6 dias. atrás
得分: 0.2815 sec
尝试 1: 0.278
尝试 2: 0.271
尝试 3: 0.258
尝试 4: 0.283
尝试 5: 0.258
尝试 6: 0.313
尝试 7: 0.262
尝试 8: 0.320
尝试 9: 0.297
尝试 10: 0.275
Respostas: 2
Runeangel1 dias. 20 h. atrás
If you are a healthy young gentleman you probably have more in you. The delay is likely because of the time it takes to go from initiating the muscle movement to actually producing the electronic signal through the mouse. This can be reduced by slightly pressing your mouse to the point where the slightest increase in muscle tension triggers the click.
teahouse1 dias. 4 h. atrás
符文天使, 谢谢你对我的评论和建议,我会认真尝试你说的,并且继续提高。Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I will seriously try what you said and continue to improve.
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