Strafe Tracking

Strafe Tracking

№ 858537
Autor: Saltigrade
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LIB2 dias. 3 h. atrás
All of the phenomena we are witnessing as of present times comes from the very same normality that was the past. Just like how rainfall comes from lakes that eventually become clouds, our world can be described in this way as a constant result of was, is and will be; Happenings. As our current storm falls there might just be a new pond of young lights that'll cast away our misbehaviours.
bxstaim3 dias. atrás
@onzix fr
onzix4 dias. atrás
bros yapping
A person must have possesions related to the job they carry out, for example, akin to a musician is an instrument, a writer cherishes words, related to a painter are brushes and canvases, allied are the cooks with the utensils & ingredients, an engineer requires proper tools paired with blueprints, doctors hinge on both medicine and precise machinery, soldiers are dependant on weapons as much as armor, a leader relys on others to lead, and so on.

Think this to yourself. How can you improve your job? Are your possesions related to who you are and what you do?
accfebl whats ur dpi?
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