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Total played
- Per hit: +100
- Per miss: -30
- 100 seconds
Click to start!
Aim time (Time between hits)
- Average: 0 sec
- Minimum: 0 sec
- Maximum: 0 sec
Reaction time (Time from target appearance to hit)
- Average: 0 sec
- Minimum: 0 sec
- Maximum: 0 sec
Cursor speed (Cursor speed between hits)
- Average: 0 px / sec
- Maximum: 0 px / sec
- Minimum: 0 px / sec
Hits per minute
- Average: 0
- Maximum: 0
- Minimum: 0
Combo (Continuous series of hits without losses or misses)
- Maximum: 0
- Misses: 0
Losses (When the target disappears without being hit)
- Losses: 0
Trajectory (The straighter the mouse path, the closer to 100%.)
- Average: 0 %
- Maximum: 0 %
- Minimum: 0 %
- Flawless: 0
- Variability: 0 %
Accuracy (Center of target - 100%, edge - 1%)
- Average: 0 %
- Maximum: 0 %
- Minimum: 0 %
- Flawless: 0
Targets destroyed
- Targets destroyed: 0
Total targets (Total targets shown)
- Total targets: 0
Distance (Straight line length between hit points)
- Average: 0 px
- Minimum: 0 px
- Maximum: 0 px
- Summary: 0 px
Cursor path (Length of mouse trajectory between hit points)
- Average: 0 px
- Minimum: 0 px
- Maximum: 0 px
- Summary: 0 px
Capture time (Time from hover to hit)
- Average: 0 sec
- Minimum: 0 sec
- Maximum: 0 sec
Comments: 0