Accurate Quickness

Accurate Quickness

№ 1578990
Author: 400kg
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LIB5 d. ago (Modified in 55 sec.)
There will be people in the world who aren't aware of the existence of someone or something, and as big of a figure you are, or something is, there might be someone completely unaware of it. Meanwhile at some point we all as living beings become cognizant about those things that are always consistent and heavily influence our living: Water, a blue sky, the sun & moon, rocks and formations, all-directioned winds and their shifting climate, and of course other living beings. And probably too certain knowledge over the concept of life or death; because it drives living and flourishment.
Conclusion is something we should strive for; knowing that we've come a long way going thoroughly through every hard challenge. And at last, we can find rest.
If you oppose someone or something; expect retaliation.
LIB2024/06/25 (Modified in 40 sec.)
Our actions are bound to, after many years, be buried under all of history, and for as simple as they are; Someone would be pleased to unearth, through all occurrences, what they truly meant at the time. This matter aside, we of course hold some of our favorite memories throught life.
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