Mass Click Classic

Mass Click Classic

№ 1875435
Author: Pasutazame
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Comments: 56
LIB1 d. 8 h. ago
In life, your social status and everything may be due to change. This will in fact bring you any kind of abundance or scarcity, and in some way your commodity on the situation will be ever so different. Most of us comfort to what we already have and at the same time want more. So there may be never a time where you are truly comfortable despite having majorly overcome what haunted you in the past, you will still want more. But there is a way to be-
You can't say you truly do something until you have done it dozens or hundreds of times each day without pause, over a period of thousands of days. And incidentally you should know the intricacies that take part within that activity: Like the story that took place for it to be a thing, the implications it has on you and others, and much more.
Do not underestimate the hundreds nor the dozen; the sheer number will eventually pile on you. Either in a good way, or a not-so-good manner.
LIB2024/07/09 (Modified in 1 min. 46 sec.)
Persuasion is convincing for the welfare of yourself and others. In contrast, manipulation is deceiving others for mainly your own good. Know the difference, as you both will need it.
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