Aim400kg - Trainings for gamers

Trainings for gamers

Need for exercise

Cybersport is the last stage of sport evolution. That’s why it develops according to the rules of big sport. Every kind of sport has it’s own special trainings, so the players could raise their skill in techniques, punches, accuracy etc.

Let’s take a look at the hockey. Every professional hockey player could strike down the aim with high speed and great accuracy. Because it’s necessary for scoring a goal =) ! During the match a player has only few shoots on goal, and training this way would take a lot of time. To make the practice more useful hockey player puts the pucks in to different positions, and shoots the target thousands of times without any barriers (opponents, goalkeeper).

When a new kind of sport appears there are no any methods of practice. A new trainings appear and as time goes by they improve. At the first years of hockey, there were no any trainings, and quality of a game was much more poor that nowadays.You watch the match that took place 20 years ago and check it.

Tennis. A sportsmen plays with a wall, rolls special simulators, kick off a passes of special machine to rise up the skill. Soccer - dribling, speed, power of shoot, different techniques. I could continue for ever and ever.

The trainings are not so intresting as a game itself, but if you want to become a professional you should train! That’s the reality of sport.

Back to the cybersport. It’s the youngest branch of sport. There are no any standarts or trainings. But cybersport grows very fast and becomes more professional, so anyway soon the trainings shall appear. This site – is the first step to cybersport practice. It devoted to a mouse, because mouse – is the main element in all PC game, either strategies or FPS games.

Aim components

Now let’s gain understandig of “aim” term. What does it consists of? In order to start practicing you should understand what EXACTLY you ought to train. Aiming – is actually directing the mouse on the needed point on the screen and pushing the mouse1 button on time. It doesn’t matter what colour the point is and what color the background is (they should differ). The smaller this point, the harder to aim.

Now let’s think together, what should we do to make a perfect frag:

  1. You should direct your aim at opponent’s model earlier than him
  2. You should push mouse1 button earlier than your opponent
  3. You should push mouse1 button exactly at the moment your mouse pointer is right on his model

Let’s check out this process according to our body:

  • You see the model. (Your eyes notice the model).
  • Your eyes send information to your brain about what they saw.
  • The brain analyses information.
  • The brain sends information to the muscles of your hand.
  • The hand reacts.
It takes 0.14 - 0.24 seconds.

The one that makes all these points earlier – would win the shooting duel. (We don’t talk about the mistakes that are connected with “shooting while strafing” and “jump shooting”.) A similar situation is in RTS strategies: a split second decides whether you have time to give a command to a unit or not. It depends on how quickly and accurately you moved the mouse.

As you understood the main factor is time. To shorten the time, you need to decrease the distance and increase the speed. At final, to gain superiority you need:

  1. Take the shortest path (ideally a straight line)
  2. Move mouse with maximum speed
  3. Press the mouse button in time

During the game you running on the map, speak to your teammates; your head is full of tactics, you think about positioning, listen to info. And you don’t notice that at this moment you drive the mouse on your func. But all the action in the game – is just keyboard and mouse movement. That’s all. You don’t need anything to play the game. During the 2 minutes of teamplay (5x5) or game on public server you’ll practice you aim an about 5 times. On DeathMatch-server – 30 times. And if you play the aim-games on this site, you would practice your aim 250 times!!! Do you feel the difference? That is the method, that will let you to practice pure-aiming.

Someone says: "I don’t need this aim-games. I got different mouse sensitivity in my 3D shooter" Ok. Let’s get back to the physics of mouse movement. On what distance do you move the mouse when you are shooting for a long range? It’s just several millimeters, and sometimes even less. And try to remember the movement of the mouse when an enemy suddenly appears close to you, or somewhere behind. It’s a quick long movement through all mouse pad, but anyway you try to make it with accuracy. Here is moral: mouse movements depend on the distance of the opponent.

You can make high mouse sensitivity in Windows and train "short mouse movements" playing in aim game. Or you can low it and train "long mouse movements" for short distances in 3D shooter. I think the best settings is middle mouse sense in Windows, for training most often situations in 3D shooter – middle distances. It’s your choice though =).

So I suggest you 3 different types of games for each constituent of aim:

  1. Accuracy of aiming: "Exact aiming"
  2. Quick mouse movements: "Flick aiming"
  3. Mouse1 reaction: "Press reaction"

If you play each of them regularly you will be able to track your improvements using a graphic metrics and soon you will become the real terminator:) If you play Real Time Strategy – you’ll have crazy unit conrol. If you play 3D shooter you will react on the grenades. I don’t even talk about the enemies.

Shooting in a 3D shooter is a basic element by definition. It’s useless to train tactics if you don’t shoot well, cause finally the opponent will apperar and kill you. The opponent will be faster and more accurate than you. And after that usually starts thinkings in a way: "What have I done wrong?", "May be it was wrong position?", "May be I had to wait?", "May be I shouldn’t start shooting?" – NO YOU SHOULD! So just a little bit of patience and you’ll see the result!

Happy trainings!

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Link HTML: <a href="">Aim400kg - Trainings for gamers</a>

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