FA speed test 1.0 - Statistics - BOJlWe6CTBO

FA speed test 1.0

№ 4624026
Author: Maeve

BOJlWe6CTBO - statistics

ptsTimes played20663.0213611996501
Total number of targets shown
Times played187.519418101
The current number of targets on the screen
Times played187.519418101
Number of destroyed targets
Times played185.519217901
Number of misses
Times played6.08401
Average reaction time
secTimes played0.53130.55040.512301
Average hits per minute
Times played223.55232.7214.401
Average time between hits
secTimes played0.26740.27590.258901
Average capture time
secTimes played0.05540.05980.051101
Max combo
Times played89.51205901
Average mouse speed
px / secTimes played1528.511593.951463.0701
Average distance between hits
pxTimes played395.75400.7390.801
Average mouse path between hits
pxTimes played422.85426.3419.401
Average trajectory efficiency
%Times played93.04993.40392.69401
Average trajectory extra points value
ptsTimes played7.717.97.5201
Average hit precision
%Times played58.60859.36157.85601
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