Mechanic00900: i would like to introduce..
i would like to introduce..
Experience 86966 xp
Nicknames used Mechanic00900
Registered 2021/01/21
CountryAzerbaijan/ Turkey
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Comments: 17
My most favorite games on this site are Catching, 5+ tps, VVR Quick
My new mouse GOAT g x pro LOL im better than you im clipped my arm and screen
Replies: 4
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Mechanic00900, İm banned becuase 44K impossible but i can and im not use cheap trick you not have proof
Kaan213213, i dont need prove that u using specifical " Software" , it is already taking notes when account is new, 0 games played, 0 xp, 0 hours, and TOP 1 in all score games. Maybe you are top player but smurfing everything is possible. And i said "report", i didnt call you cheater or something, it means i gave information to moderators to check you
Mechanic00900, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get in line, I just entered to test my aim in the games. I won't try again
i also love kebab bro
Replies: 1
who does not love kebab, good fill-up before matchmaking

памятка от 30.07.2024
Replies: 2
Mechanic009002024/07/30 (Modified in 21 h.)
All results i achieved between 9200-22 000 DPI. Basically i am still testing and training to find best suitable DPI for me, but still struggling. But some results in particular games was amazing for me, that i got unexpectedly in top places in some gamemods (Allah Gave me all these achievements).

After 2844 games i managed to enter top 50 almost in all mods, but Tracking Medium still problem for me, As i observed it depends from your device characteristics, so no "skill issue". But i could say that with all these "Sensivity, DPIs"  manupulations ,i ruined my tracking abilities and it is hard in some games to gain proper tracking and this creats problems for me in aim based games
Mechanic009002024/07/30 (Modified in 1 min. 20 sec.)
I am also using some Methods and Advices from ex top 5 player of Aim400KG @hackod ( ) . His Aiming methodology is next level and future. I would not say that it is completely his aim adaptation methods, but i learned from him after some long conversations. He has Youtube channel so you can check it.

памятка от 12.04.2024
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