LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
Experience 8376 xp
Nicknames used LIB
Registered 2024/04/07
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Comments: 92
LIB2 h. 22 min. ago
Say what you want to say, don't be afraid about being wrong or right; be afraid of never saying a word about it. If it's a personal thing people may take it to the heart and feel either glad or disgusted, regardless, you must say your words out loud, especially to those you care about. If you choose to stay silent nothing will happen, your thoughts will only be ideas and plans to be made or somehow arranged; talking is an action (writing too, obviously).
LIB2 h. 23 min. ago
Hello Friend!
LIB1 d. 8 h. ago
Give deep underground sepulture to those regrets, vices, and weaknesses that have plagued your life, but only after you've learned from them and defeated them completely; with no chance for them to haunt you once again. If you don't seriously put an end to them, they will only keep coming back, rising from the ground (almost like a zombie) and changing into something more dangerous (or less harmful) with every unsuccessful riddance you've attempted.
LIB2 d. 1 h. ago
There are people who are willing to inspire others no matter the cost, and there are people who are unwilling to do so; pushing others around and placing them in a lower spot. I sure hope I am the former kind of person, I'd not enjoy being a false human who needs to rely on making a fool out of everyone else to feel better about myself. If you haven't caught on what I am trying to say, it is best if your happiness comes from within you; feeling proud about the compassionate actions you've taken so far.
LIB2 d. 1 h. ago
Many human achievements occurred due to holding comprehension about more than one topic; when combined something greater could be made, and so forth. Although, sometimes great breakthroughs can happen due to sheer dumb luck. All because of a "whoopsie daisy" that could've never happened if things went a different route, I can think of so many examples relevant to random discoveries but I'd like for you to break into this information by yourself. Regardless of how amazing this sounds we mustn't leave human progression to accidental discovery, which is why most knowledge nowadays has been standardized to inform about common knowledge about our life matters. And with knowledge in hand almost every tool and interaction becomes much more easier to deal with so that you can continue moving up in life.
LIB3 d. ago
Great ideas don't exclusively originate from great people. Commoners and rowdy peasants can generate brilliant concepts that king above riches and fame. But it isn't an easy task as it's more than just the spontaneous appearance of thought; it is the thoroughgoing connection that's formed between action and deep understanding. Once it is finally reached you may not initially see the benefits you've acquired in doing so, but once you start working and reproducing that idea you won't be the only one obtaining profitable gains and commodities, people that are directly or indirectly accessing to your breakthroughs will have an easier time in their lives all thanks to the dedication and brainpower you poured into that idea. And because of it, others will find your achievements as a bridge to improve their day-to-day and further develop humanity, may I add that said bridgework can possibly last for hundreds and hundreds of years? So go ahead and think, think as much as you can about whatever you can; you might be the next breaker who makes a through in our world.
LIB4 d. ago (Modified in 1 d. 1 h.)
Ask for more time; it might be given to you, but remember that you will not be granted too much of it if you don't prove why should you have access to that kind of time. And most important above all: You cannot ask for an infinite amount of time, as harsh and difficult as it may be, you simply cannot be given an infinite quantity of attempts and time; therefore one shall make the most with the time that's at disposal, and if your efficiency and effectivity is sufficient you may just save enough that it might seem like you have much more time on your side (and it can practically be that).
LIB5 d. ago
Self harm is one of the worst kinds of hurting one can experience, whatever the reason it should be avoided at all costs. There is no worse kind of betrayal than self-betrayal. However, be aware that, there is a clear line between enduring a struggle and suffering just for the sake of suffering. Feeling pain is what's needed in order for your mind and body to adapt, not too little and not too much, expose yourself to what is needed. If you hide in the same shell of an excuse you won't become any stronger or tougher, there are many kinds of harm; mental, physical, and emotional. Harden your own self through enough exposure, it is a duty you must take. A clear example of it: Practice, it is painful and bore-some enough to discourage most people from continuing the process, and yet once you are subjected to a lot of training and knowledge you can become a master at that particular thing. All because you decided to slowly and steadily embrace the many steps needed to become one whilst avoiding indulging in counterproductive activities to that speciality.
LIB6 d. ago
Whoever neglects/forgets their family, neglects/forgets themselves. It is your own blood, you should also take care of them. And if you or anyone doesn't find a way to get along, you should at the very least be on decent terms before forever ignoring them.
People don't really leave us, their possessions, actions and will can still have an impact on our and other's future. However, you already know this.
Prolonging the life of something or someone will almost always be a common priority, we all would like for our family and friends to live forever; at the very least one or more decades. But in doing so: Rust, oxidization, decay, degeneration, and excesses will start corroding that lovely thing's appearance and functionality. To the point where it can no longer serve its purpose and is experiencing severe pain. Let them go once it has been enough.
bro's #1 opp left the dislike button alone...
Replies: 2
LIB2024/09/30 (Modified in 1 d. 2 h.)
I guess I have more willpower than them. Anyways, I will stop once I am done with my objective. Good day, pal!
LIB2 h. 18 min. ago
Welcome back! I still do not understand the reason of your disliking... Maybe you are having a bad day or something, whatever it is; I do not welcome those who criticize for the sake of criticizing. Fair criticism must be given, especially when it is something we despise with the deepest pits of our heart, else it just becomes an opinion; a salty and shallow opinion.
Don't under-do, undertake, under-make, under-produce, under-lap, under-run, under-look, under-think, undersell, under-buy, underwork, under-exercise, under-sleep, under-bake, undercook, underplay, under-eat, under-use, under-train, or any other positive thing or habit that starts with under-. There is a reason why it is called under-, probably because it is done in a way that remotely resembles what's normal. Go on a small but incremental pace until you can finally do things normally.
Don't overdo, overtake, overmake, overproduce, overlap, overrun, overlook, overthink, oversell, overbuy, overwork, overexercise, oversleep, overbake, overcook, overplay, overeat, overuse, overtrain, or any other negative (most things in excess are) action or situation that starts with over-. There is a reason why it is called over-, probably because it is done in a way that far surpasses what's normal. Go on a regular pace until you can surpass yourself with enough resistance and preparation.
Everyone has lied/cheated in some way and in some part of their lives. No one has the strength or intelligence to completely avoid making these mistakes, and, we can sometimes do it accidentally. There is nothing wrong in doing so, its wrongfulness arises when you over-rely on it. To sum it up, no one likes liars/cheaters and more so those who are self-centered and manipulative. You should only employ these dirty tactics once you have no other way around or if your life is endangered. You should also learn how to ward off said strategies; it's guaranteed that they will be used against you in some part of your life.
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