The Fastest of Mankind - Statistics - griffin75_

The Fastest of Mankind

№ 6217122
Author: Fakel24

griffin75_ - statistics

secTimes played20.6821.1520.2110123
Number of destroyed targets
Times played95.095950123
Number of misses
Times played7.8960123
Average reaction time
secTimes played1.0311.0711.0120123
Average hits per minute
Times played271.40285.9257.10123
Average time between hits
secTimes played0.21600.22140.21110123
Average capture time
secTimes played0.0330.0350.03140123
Max combo
Times played29.533280123
Average mouse speed
px / secTimes played734.70780.66683.660123
Average distance between hits
pxTimes played140.97144.7138.30123
Average mouse path between hits
pxTimes played165.65171.31620123
Average trajectory efficiency
%Times played88.09688.90486.3370123
Average hit precision
%Times played46.07747.62743.2220123
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