Fast Aiming Hog (Gold) - Statistics - chefshoots

Fast Aiming Hog (Gold)

№ 1562037
Author: aynlihcord

chefshoots - statistics

ptsTimes played3335.53373329801
Total number of targets shown
Times played27.5282701
The current number of targets on the screen
Times played7.07701
Number of destroyed targets
Times played20.5212001
Number of misses
Times played2.53201
Average reaction time
secTimes played2.46612.52682.405401
Average hits per minute
Times played113.15117.1109.201
Average time between hits
secTimes played0.44630.44810.444501
Average capture time
secTimes played0.12420.14660.101801
Max combo
Times played14.0181001
Average mouse speed
px / secTimes played473.79477.7469.8901
Average distance between hits
pxTimes played196.40215.9176.901
Average mouse path between hits
pxTimes played226.55236.2216.901
Average trajectory efficiency
%Times played89.91292.59987.22501
Average hit precision
%Times played56.96561.11952.81101
Average precision extra points value
ptsTimes played39.8542.6537.0501
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