Exact Aiming ( Old Scores ) - Statistics - Janish_Clicker

Exact Aiming ( Old Scores )

№ 1883256
Author: aynlihcord

Janish_Clicker - statistics

ptsTimes played88943.088943889430
Total number of targets shown
Times played253.02532530
The current number of targets on the screen
Times played8.0880
Number of destroyed targets
Times played241.02412410
Number of misses
Times played17.017170
Number of losses
Times played4.0440
Average reaction time
secTimes played1.88631.88631.88630
Average hits per minute
Times played124.20124.2124.20
Average time between hits
secTimes played0.41170.41170.41170
Average capture time
secTimes played0.10840.10840.10840
Max combo
Times played75.075750
Average mouse speed
px / secTimes played874.28874.28874.280
Average distance between hits
pxTimes played336.10336.1336.10
Average mouse path between hits
pxTimes played377.80377.8377.80
Average trajectory efficiency
%Times played91.51691.51691.5160
Average hit precision
%Times played56.43456.43456.4340
Average precision extra points value
ptsTimes played84.6284.6284.620
Average target hit radius
pxTimes played18.0618.0618.060
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