FirstExtension: Успехов Вам в Ваших добрых делах.
Успехов Вам в Ваших добрых делах.
Experience 14767 xp
Nicknames used FirstExtension
Registered 2021/01/09
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Comments: 13
20к На сайт задонил.. ГЕРОЙ
what trainings do you use to gget better?
Replies: 3
I started training everything in a cycle. And I settled on those that do not demotivate me.
JessieTim2023/10/09 (Modified in 1 min. 22 sec.)
when you say you settle on those that don't motivate you do you mean stuff like EA survival, EA and Press reaction?

JessieTim, top 1st demotivate: FA Double Classic

Just stoped plaing press reaction - becase i dont have situation in games, where i need just click in static point, always it can move some, so this statement, do not include pr click , pr double etc, cause they has moving target at the time:)

ea survial makes me stuck, because only 1 lose can ruin all game, it like old televeision games like dandy, where you have only one live , and you need play again and again, like before you makes nerd, but if in those games you can learn mechanic, there is a lot of random in point, you cant just remember where to click, dont wanna play in game rulette. Think Exact Aiming full close this type of gaming other wariant ea survial and ea unliomited not so good, for fun some times - yes, but not always, just for a record mb, but as i say befor it like nerd gaming and game rulette:) as balls when to be in good slide you hand:D and being in stress, every day working load my nervous system, more is not thinking interesting and good.

think stop on that, any other answer need some brain shtorm, but i just come back home and need some rest:) last time i was home 14 hours ago:D

Уважаемый человек, сразу видно. Очень рад, что есть люди, который поддерживают сайт. Так глядишь и интересностей добавят еще)
Replies: 2
спасибо. у меня был очень тяжёлый год. вот вроде немного вышел в плюс по ресурсам.
_-SEPSHIRON-_2023/02/17 (Modified in 5 sec.)
FirstExtension, Красава. Желаю удачи в жизни и в результатах на сайте!
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