LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
Experience 8376 xp
Nicknames used LIB
Registered 2024/04/07
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Comments: 62
LIB2 d. 1 h. ago
In a duel of malevolent habits and situations only the worse of the worse will win: Continuing said habits. Regardless of how small or insignificant they may seem, if you choose to prolong their life and effect on you then it will compound into a catastrophic result.
LIB3 d. ago (Modified in 20 sec.)
Through reform and change a system can evolve, this is the usual way to progress in life. If you are not willing to confront them, then don't expect ever advancing if you want to stay the same.
LIB3 d. ago
Zig-zag your way through tricky problems and puzzling circumstances. It cannot affect you if you aren't present for the effects to take form. Of course you can't keep avoiding trouble, there will be a challenge that's too big or important for you to ignore or avoid, this test won't spare you and will test your wits if you've ever built any.
LIB4 d. ago
If you care too much about what others say of you then you will simply live by their qualifications designed to you. You should only partially care about what others think of you, it isn't advisable for you to live excluding others and their ideas about you. Accept fair criticisms and carry on with your days.
LIB6 d. ago
Anonymity makes wickedness more feasible as it is less likely to be caught red handed. But we aren't to do evil out of easy opportunities or perform good out of impossible difficulties. We have a choice to make and it won't be wrong or right, it will be our choice and only that in the end.
LIB6 d. ago
You are free to rest, but you aren't free to give up. Do not give up just yet.
To have your name plastered over something can be an honor or something to regret, it depends no how many you've helped, harmed, and what you have done. So many historical figures have the luck to be remembered as heroes or villains, but in the end, their actions are what defined them as who they are. The many sides of history always put the victor as a saviour whilst the losing side gets mocked for their attempts at doing what they thought was right.
Those who have a form of disability will struggle more to do what's needed, but in the end if they manage to do things normally despite all the burden they may suffer through, then they may possibly do greater work; for their fight with their own complications fills them with courage to go beyond what's usual. Thanks to this the only challenge they may face is stopping and giving up.
Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. All of them are days in which you can work towards developing yourself, they're for the opportunistic who decide to take them for personal tasks instead of resting. Even so, you are free to use any day however you like independent of its name, date, festivity, season, or year.
Life will always award those who aren't afraid to live it.
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