My Version Exact Aiming Dot - Statistics - jordsinause

My Version Exact Aiming Dot

№ 1425013
Author: fidofile

jordsinause - statistics

ptsTimes played6537.9960115305101520
Total number of targets shown
Times played67.985905101520
The current number of targets on the screen
Times played7.98705101520
Number of destroyed targets
Times played60.077305101520
Number of misses
Times played30.560105101520
Average reaction time
secTimes played10.77475.9082.171705101520
Average reaction extra points value
ptsTimes played0.00005101520
Average hits per minute
Times played36.9246.81.305101520
Average time between hits
secTimes played1.51152.06231.185305101520
Average capture time
secTimes played0.20050.27570.1105101520
Max combo
Times played9.520205101520
Average mouse speed
px / secTimes played269.28364.95156.3805101520
Average distance between hits
pxTimes played268.84351.413005101520
Average mouse path between hits
pxTimes played416.93631.5236.405101520
Average trajectory efficiency
%Times played71.72989.20851.82505101520
Average trajectory extra points value
ptsTimes played10.8728.091.6905101520
Average hit precision
%Times played45.76457.14831.83705101520
Average precision extra points value
ptsTimes played22.8228.51605101520
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