LIB: Fine and you?


Fine and you?
Experience 8376 xp
Nicknames used LIB
Registered 2024/04/07
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Comments: 85
LIB21 h. ago
Ask for more time; it might be given to you, but remember that you will not be granted too much of it if you don't prove why should you have access to that kind of time. And most important above all: You cannot ask for an infinite amount of time, as harsh and difficult as it may be, you simply cannot be given an infinite quantity of attempts and time; therefore one shall make the most with the time that's at disposal, and if your efficiency and effective is sufficient you may just save enough that it might seem like you have much more time on your side (and it can practically be that).
LIB1 d. 21 h. ago
Self harm is one of the worst kinds of hurting one can experience, whatever the reason it should be avoided at all costs. There is no worse kind of betrayal than self-betrayal. However, be aware that, there is a clear line between enduring a struggle and suffering just for the sake of suffering. Feeling pain is what's needed in order for your mind and body to adapt, not too little and not too much, expose yourself to what is needed. If you hide in the same shell of an excuse you won't become any stronger or tougher, there are many kinds of harm; mental, physical, and emotional. Harden your own self through enough exposure, it is a duty you must take. A clear example of it: Practice, it is painful and bore-some enough to discourage most people from continuing the process, and yet once you are subjected to a lot of training and knowledge you can become a master at that particular thing. All because you decided to slowly and steadily embrace the many steps needed to become one whilst avoiding indulging in counterproductive activities to that speciality.
LIB2 d. 19 h. ago
Whoever neglects/forgets their family, neglects/forgets themselves. It is your own blood, you should also take care of them. And if you or anyone doesn't find a way to get along, you should at the very least be on decent terms before forever ignoring them.
LIB3 d. ago
People don't really leave us, their possessions, actions and will can still have an impact on our and other's future. However, you already know this.
LIB4 d. ago
Prolonging the life of something or someone will almost always be a common priority, we all would like for our family and friends to live forever; at the very least one or more decades. But in doing so: Rust, oxidization, decay, degeneration, and excesses will start corroding that lovely thing's appearance and functionality. To the point where it can no longer serve its purpose and is experiencing severe pain. Let them go once it has been enough.
evt82565 d. ago
bro's #1 opp left the dislike button alone...
Replies: 1
LIB4 d. ago (Modified in 1 d. 2 h.)
I guess I have more willpower than them. Anyways, I will stop once I am done with my objective. Good day, pal!
LIB5 d. ago
Don't under-do, undertake, under-make, under-produce, under-lap, under-run, under-look, under-think, undersell, under-buy, underwork, under-exercise, under-sleep, under-bake, undercook, underplay, under-eat, under-use, under-train, or any other positive thing or habit that starts with under-. There is a reason why it is called under-, probably because it is done in a way that remotely resembles what's normal. Go on a small but incremental pace until you can finally do things normally.
LIB5 d. ago
Don't overdo, overtake, overmake, overproduce, overlap, overrun, overlook, overthink, oversell, overbuy, overwork, overexercise, oversleep, overbake, overcook, overplay, overeat, overuse, overtrain, or any other negative (most things in excess are) action or situation that starts with over-. There is a reason why it is called over-, probably because it is done in a way that far surpasses what's normal. Go on a regular pace until you can surpass yourself with enough resistance and preparation.
Everyone has lied/cheated in some way and in some part of their lives. No one has the strength or intelligence to completely avoid making these mistakes, and, we can sometimes do it accidentally. There is nothing wrong in doing so, its wrongfulness arises when you over-rely on it. To sum it up, no one likes liars/cheaters and more so those who are self-centered and manipulative. You should only employ these dirty tactics once you have no other way around or if your life is endangered. You should also learn how to ward off said strategies; it's guaranteed that they will be used against you in some part of your life.
Did you perhaps... Turn off the light? As silly as this may sound; its a common occurrence we all experience as humans. We forget to shut down resource-consuming utilities because we like the comfort of having them almost always ready to go, besides who likes to manually shut it down completely? You'd have to bend down, reach for the cables, carefully unplug the device's power, and voila! It is done. I personally don't dislike doing this, things should wake up whenever their owner tells them to (except for actual living pets and animals). Letting them plugged in will only continue to drain energy, decrease your assiduity and control, and it could possibly cause an accident due to malfunction or overheating.
Dedicate enough time to your family and friends, you cannot solely focus on your personal goals or in work. Once you start working on both your ship (responsibilities) and relationships you will have an easier and more enjoyable life.
Sabotage is one of the worst ways for a system, thing, or person to fall. To crumble, not from an external force; but due to an internal conflict, it is one of the most important problems to prevent, additionally, I may add that on a personal level; I've experienced betrayal from someone I was supposed to trust with my heart. Trust is a neutral action that gets its alignment thanks to the trader and the purchaser who receives goods/services. If you employ deception to fulfil a good purpose, then it is a good form of tampering. On the negative side, when trickery is used in the name of someone's interests, then it is inherently considered a vulgar and gaudy action. Similar to a bacteriophage to a bacteria, or to a body. It employs what we fear the most: Utter sabotage from the inside, hijacking and manipulating what was originally intended. For as dreadful as this may sound; it can have a positive impact when done in a calculated and controlled manner.
Being strong is completely different from having strength, one is a quality and the other is the quantity of physical demand you can handle. In life, there are people that don't have a brawny body and still manage to push through difficult tasks by applying everything they have at their disposal; their knowledge, intelligence, connections, bravery, steadfastness, and many other values they may possess. I've known some people whose physical form doesn't topple mountains and yet they are able to move them like it's a walk in the park; through their very same wisdom and persuasion over others. I've also known some people whose notion on life hasn't been grasped, and although they continue on moving and lifting every load they can; their score is yet to be graded, it is without good form, diet, mind, schedule, habits, toughness, knowledge, and assistance. Instead opting on moving the way their body demands (detrimental to correctly exercising), eating whatever they are given and taking the most appealing supplement, always thinking superficially about everything, doing things as they may come, engaging in specious habits that cause problems later down the line, pushing far but not as far as they actually can, believing gaudy titbits of info they may hear sometimes, going solo or accompanied by bad influences. Everybody lacks something, but no one should ever lack the ability to learn from mistakes.
When you start something at morning and finish it at night you are either extremely inefficient or incredibly dedicated to that craft. The latter situation is always preferable, but only if you are actually actively focusing and working hard towards your art/work.
LIB2024/09/22 (Modified in 17 sec.)
Burying your past regrets, knowledge, mistakes, belongings, and experiences will only continue to further downgrade you and others' potential. You shouldn't hide these achievements and mishaps although it may hurt to show them to everyone, if you maintain your truth concealed for a long time (possibly across millennia) your legacy may end up more distorted and misunderstood. Let humanity learn from your mistakes, accomplishments, passions, wisdom, and every part of your being.
When you are not loved you may undoubtedly resort to hating others indiscriminately. But this is rarely the case since there are people close to you who care a lot about you, and there could be others who are completely unrelated to you and yet find a way to give you importance.
Gladness can come from any place, but it is especially granted by talking about your life with others whilst recognizing every tiny detail that's made you who you are, of course this also involves gratefulness. In this conversation it may arise to them talking about their issues and current struggles, and when you compare in a positive way everything someone has to suffer through, what it means for them, and finally that your own livelihood isn't as harsh as theirs.
Simply put (once again), you don't know what was lost until you lose it. Taking things for granted will only grant you with laments and sorrows. Assume that every single object and person you know will eventually fade into obscurity and be buried deep underground, but in that thought you must also assume that they'll be brightening your days for as long as they can live.
So many of the good things in life require patience, a lot of wait time. For example, if you practice playing an instrument everyday for years and years with excitement to educate yourself more and more you can get to become a complete master in that instrument and possibly in music as a whole. We must be persistent even though we don't see any progress being made, we can only see the true results of our habits after weeks, months, and years. There are also effects that present themselves with a more short-lived waiting time, through milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days in which they finally reveal their consequences. Of course these aren't always as long-lived and positive as the good things in life.
In history there'll always be the figures who helped others in need without asking anything but their wellbeing in return. These people are some of the most honored historic individuals, they've caused liberation, freedom, independence, and revolutions. These are the fathers and mothers of a country or a movement, one that was built on their ideals and actions. Without them most things wouldn't have been fair for everyone, there'd be enslavement, inequity, abuse, and many more atrocious acts. Thank them for what they've done for you and others.
A day can always be a good day when you spend time with family and friends (cliché? Yes). You don't need much aside from half-decent food and a big enough room.­
People will primarily remember you for what you meant for them and what you did. And that memory is subject to judgement. Did you help them? Or did you take advantage of them and cruelly ruined their lives?
In a duel of malevolent habits and situations only the worse of the worse will win: Continuing said habits. Regardless of how small or insignificant they may seem, if you choose to prolong their life and effect on you then it will compound into a catastrophic result.
LIB2024/09/13 (Modified in 20 sec.)
Through reform and change a system can evolve, this is the usual way to progress in life. If you are not willing to confront them, then don't expect ever advancing if you want to stay the same.
Zig-zag your way through tricky problems and puzzling circumstances. It cannot affect you if you aren't present for the effects to take form. Of course you can't keep avoiding trouble, there will be a challenge that's too big or important for you to ignore or avoid, this test won't spare you and will test your wits if you've ever built any.
If you care too much about what others say of you then you will simply live by their qualifications designed to you. You should only partially care about what others think of you, it isn't advisable for you to live excluding others and their ideas about you. Accept fair criticisms and carry on with your days.
Anonymity makes wickedness more feasible as it is less likely to be caught red handed. But we aren't to do evil out of easy opportunities or perform good out of impossible difficulties. We have a choice to make and it won't be wrong or right, it will be our choice and only that in the end.
You are free to rest, but you aren't free to give up. Do not give up just yet.
To have your name plastered over something can be an honor or something to regret, it depends no how many you've helped, harmed, and what you have done. So many historical figures have the luck to be remembered as heroes or villains, but in the end, their actions are what defined them as who they are. The many sides of history always put the victor as a saviour whilst the losing side gets mocked for their attempts at doing what they thought was right.
Those who have a form of disability will struggle more to do what's needed, but in the end if they manage to do things normally despite all the burden they may suffer through, then they may possibly do greater work; for their fight with their own complications fills them with courage to go beyond what's usual. Thanks to this the only challenge they may face is stopping and giving up.
Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. All of them are days in which you can work towards developing yourself, they're for the opportunistic who decide to take them for personal tasks instead of resting. Even so, you are free to use any day however you like independent of its name, date, festivity, season, or year.
Life will always award those who aren't afraid to live it.
Getting to correct someone is always satisfactory, on the other hand when we get corrected ourselves we experience some frustration and the other person may get certain gratification for amending our slight mistake. Obviously a correction can sometimes be incorrect if the person making it hasn't researched enough about it or has false information about it. But you don't have to be correct at everything in order to live your life to its fullest, you should know enough about every subject that's of interest to you and your career. Everything else you want to learn is fair game and up to you.
How much time does it take for us to adapt to change? Perhaps it may take us days, weeks, months, or years. But it doesn't take forever. Once we've dealt with our grievances and accepted things the way they are; we will automatically be adapted to any exchange we may have suffered.
Be responsible, things by themselves won't attend themselves and others. Understandably, a minority of people cannot take care of their own selves yet, very rarely they won't ever be able to be on their own without issue. We have to support the development of responsibility, especially in young or irresponsible people. Later on, we can find ourselves complaining about certain individuals that aren't responsible of the waste derived from them, even if it was incidental. Taking care of our own things will always be the first stride before we are able to pay attention and help to others.
Every hour of your life brings you new knowledge (sleeping hours included), however not all information is of use to us, a certain part of them can be completely useless that only informs you of trivial topics. Very rarely you can find the ones that provide you with life-long advice.
Why do we mock those we oppose? Maybe it is to feel stronger about ourselves or weaken their morale to a point where they’re more manageable, there are many reasons to make fun of someone you despise. But in doing so, are you respecting or at least honouring that your opposite exists? It is developing you through every conflict between you, it maintains some level of purpose and goal, would it be okay to completely humiliate your competition? In part, it’s used for getting a false picture of security about yourself whilst painting the opponent in a much laughable color. Everyone has done it at some point of their life, and to some level or another it causes more friction between you and the individual you mocked.
Start with a clear & simple idea, then evolve from that idea. Ideas are born from ideas, what you've thought before will affect what you currently think, and might think of later on.
Laugh about problems, it’s not only stress relieving but it also fills you with some confidence to solve them.
One, two, three, four, five… Do it as many times as you need, until it is finished. Or you will you choose to give up?
Failure is acceptable as many times as you need when you are training, but once you are out of the practice field failure becomes something you must avoid at all costs, especially during the big leagues.
It’s too early for you to surrender and refuse to continue. You try and try again, changing your perspective and methods in every attempt until there is no other way to fix it. Someone else could probably help you if you offer them an equal pay, but it isn’t guaranteed to be solved. And despite the fact that in the end you didn’t succeed, a person with the same qualities and defects as you will eventually succeed in what you struggled.
There’s nothing wrong in seeing a more harmless/optimistic and even fun side within the current subject-matter you are tackling. It can lighten the burden and brighten up mood. So try to see the bright side, even if you are going through a lot of misfortune.
Batteries can go under 0% or past 100%, but crossing that threshold can damage it permanently. Our body and mind are comparable in certain way, with a huge advantage being our capacity to regenerate. Regardless, overcharging yourself with food, activity and rest can have as much impact as draining yourself; depriving sustenance, activities and sleep. Furthermore, unlike a device's battery, we cannot completely replace our rest, and even things that seem to boost our activity levels only do so temporarily and have a hard limit(i. e. coffee). In contrast, there are some habits that appear to lower our energy levels but actually heighten our capacity (i. e. exercise). Don't be afraid to consult someone who actually knows how to handle this kind of subjects.
At some point the accumulation of tough tasks can make someone hardened as a person. Just as how muscles develop when they are exercised and have time to recover.
Having a perfect blueprint won't be important if you don't know how to build it and what resources you require for doing so; inherently blueprints are similar to plans, but both don't tell you how things will truly end, it establishes what and when processes will take place.
Why care, why not care? It is up to you to determine the importance of things, even if they end up impacting your life and other’s, or are just a minor nuisance. Inversely you will feel the recoil of your actions regardless if you conceal your feelings.
I hope my messages are still getting to some of you. I have some suspicion about the consequences that my action follows, but I digress.
Feel free to be inspired, or completely discouraged, by my words.
When everything is flowing... There are no obstacles, the perception of time and space is greatly distorted. Tasks that seem impossible or tremendously difficult become possible or a walk in the park. This "Flow State" isn't exclusive to athletes or world professionals, and it is truly amazing what anyone, even a so-called nobody, can achieve when embraced.

I know you are capable of achieving it.
It'd be so easy for us to not do it. Accepting a self-imposed fate is easier than living at your fullest. It's even easier than completely giving up: Because you aren't doing what you should be doing, redundantly, you are doing what you shouldn't be doing. If this is the don't give up, find a way through all the daze, surpass every conceptual cliff and mountain that's standing in your way. You will experience major changes, though most of these require massive sacrifices: Giving up false ideals, stopping unhealthy life choices, leaving behind those who've manipulated you, paying attention to the things that matter, surpassing your own mind and body, dissolving materialistic thought, supporting people who need it , having only what's necessary, and solving your life basically. It'd be so easy for us to not do it/give up, if you at the very leat give it a shot you might finally get the ball rolling and everything from then on is going to go very well for you and everyone you wish to help. But undoubtedly you are to fall before you are to rise; mistakes will provide further foundation to finally do things right.
Once you find it; you are yet to catch it. Opportunities are not to be underestimated, they won’t immediately absolve you of having to put effort into it.
Don’t you ever quit without trying. You may get beat up or humiliated whilst trying, but from then you can choose to either improving or leaving altogether.
Dear LIB,

I just wanted to thank you. All of those motivating messages have really inspired me to waste my entire life on aim400kg.

With love,
Replies: 1
Dear kanye34,

I wouldn't say "Waste", all training accounts for something in the end. All experiences whether they're good or bad help you in the end. I am glad you at least found motivation in what I've written.

It’s not too late for you to do so, don’t think that just because you didn’t start as soon as others you aren’t able to compete to some degree. It can be harder for sure, and knowing that others could have a sharper edge thanks to starting earlier or have an unfair endowment that gives them an advantage over you may cause doubt in your own capabilities. But if you don’t try and find a way to improve then you won’t ever do so.
That particular habit of yours is what’s gonna push you ahead of others, or make you lag behind everyone.
If there’s order then disorder will eventually come, and viceversa. It’s a simple concept really.
The purpose of freedom is to make choices that lead you to either success or failure and therefore to learn, so please do yourself a favour by being free; unaware you may trip on your feet and consequently stand up whilst cleaning yourself from the dirt and wounds you may have attained in the process. With a new wound up your sleeve, your mind is going to find a different way to do things, or altogether a new path.
If you are not making history while at it, then you simply didn’t do it at all. And doing so isn’t exclusive to unique or high scores or long streaks, it is also possible to make history in many other ways like reporting on your progress and sharing it with others. Solely because you were constantly keeping a record of what was done and how it was done people could find it as history that is more valuable since tells us a story about someone’s past troubles and their solution to said trouble. Think about it, how many people’s knowledge and efforts would’ve been completely lost if there wasn’t any traceability? Despite every treasure you’ve hoarded if there is no evidence that it was yours it can easily be taken as another’s.
Most people want to be the #1 in something. And although the wish to do so is often desperately strong, we must remember that things are to change. And that we will get to be the number one at a particular task, unfortunately, we are not to hold this position for longer than it is needed as we can’t overstay our welcome due to the way life is, and even the highest of records will eventually be broken by someone younger and as prodigious as we once were. Yet, don’t be alarmed of becoming #2, #3 or even last place; you should be concerned if you did not even try to participate and surpass yourself.
A new location presents new opportunities; you can be doubtful or scared at first, but inevitably you will learn every niche and shenanigan it throws your way. You may acquire new resources and experiences needed to help you further advance in your life.
There is no true cure to all disease, there is no true fix to all breaks, there are no true solutions to every problem. However, despite this harsh reality. There is a way that goes in a better direction: Preventing it from happening in the first place and learning through trial and error to further ward off inconvenience.
Channel your hatred into love, channel your vulnerability into defense, channel your weakness into strength, channel your cowardice into courage; whatever it is that you think will result in failure find a way to turn it into success.
What does it take to achieve great success? Perhaps we simply haven’t found it, or we already have it without noticing so.
It make take you longer, or it may be more difficult for you. But you will get there!
Draw the inferences related to what you did, how you can stop or continue to do it, and what will happen if you do so. That will provide you with enough scrutiny to decide whether that action is of importance or not.
It will come down to action; not volume or weight, nor other attributes. If it successfully competes and keeps fulfilling its roles, then it is as much as reliable as other high-profile options.
Trust the process; trust its progress.
Animals are some of the most persistent animals: Their will to live can be superior to ours. This may be because they don’t have a choice, no wrap-around, or outsmarting. Don’t get me wrong, we as humans are terrifyingly capable in general. But sometimes we are too smart for our own good, or our psyche, from time to time, can stain relationships or self-worth. Conclusively, if all it takes for you to give up in life is a bad day, or destructively comparing yourself to others. Then you may just be simply less persevering than an animal, who has to deal with many more troubles; where every day can possibly be the last, much less than what we deal with daily. PERSIST.
You don’t have to be an avid knower of something to like or dislike a thing; be free to do so. You will realize once you get to gain deeper knowledge about that subject that maybe you shouldn’t have liked/disliked it in the first place.
One’s traits are often adapted to a particular task, if yours don’t seem to make it in a particular field of choice, try and find another one in which you are better suited. But of course, don’t give up at first, keep trying and trying until you found what actually suits you, not what you suit to.
The things we do for fun, just for fulfilling our entertainment needs. BE AWARE OF THE COST.
on tay chee...
Little by little we regain what was lost.
Today was a day for sure.
Confusion may bring demise. Or it might just make things better (I overdid it this day) by making you unaware of a situations that appear like undefeatable obstacles, but aren't.
LIB2024/07/07 (Modified in 2 min. 49 sec.)
Always have a backup; your progress will be lost if you do not. Notably you should make multiple copies in different locations such as a hard drive, some cloud service or a simple USB (or heck even printing them out) whilst reinforcing your original progression, make said backups every single week (at minimum). If you think otherwise, picture this, you arduosly work for a whole week and just when you think you're doing great and that the next days will be cake- And then everything you've done so far just gets deleted forever, irrespectively of cause, you'll experience a great pain of having lost both time and effort towards something you've worked for so hardly.
Always have a backup plan; you won't always count with the same resources every time. Fallback if needed, use a lesser tool to continue and keep your guard up. Doing this (while being patient) will help you slowly recover the ground you had lost.
LIB2024/06/26 (Modified in 11 sec.)
Every day can be ordinary or extraordinary, it is up to you to make that day like that.
LIB2024/06/22 (Modified in 2 d. 22 h.)
I seem to be having some problems entering this website through normal connections... But not anymore as of now.
LIB2024/06/21 (Modified in 14 h.)
I can tell you what is, atleast to me, "Right" or "Wrong", "True" or "False", "Best" or "Worst", "Moral" or "Immoral", "Honorable" or "Dishonorable", "Strong" or "Weak", "Big" or "Small", "Natural" or "Unnatural", "Common" or "Rare", "Skill" or "Luck" and even "Warm" or "Cool". However, it is up to you, and only you, to understand these things and define what they mean to you, whilst taking in consideration the consequences of both action and meaning. If you want to, take my words as advice towards finding your truth but don't take them for granted as it is, forgive my redundancy, only up to you to decide.
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