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Registered | 2024/04/07 |
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LIB1 d. ago
Rest assure you made the right choice at the time. And even if you didn't you can make better choices later on.
LIB1 d. 22 h. ago
Crisis will hit each and every one of us. Be ready
LIB3 d. ago
Every day set yourself a goal. For as simple as it may be, you will feel good knowing that you accomplished it. And if you make them progressively more difficult you will achieve much more.
LIB3 d. ago
Day through day, that's how our life happens. Not all days are equal though, some are more depressing than others. One day you could win the lottery, at another you might lose someone important to you. None shall stop this flow of time.
LIB4 d. ago
Honor the dead by living. Period.
Give priority attention to what is most important to you at the present. Because, the same people or things you care for will not always be available or present. Time is of the essence, and so is the worth you assign to others. Deep down we all care about something or someone else outside of ourselves, it’s in our innate nature to nurture connections and collections that make up our life.
Gold only shines for so long; until it is stained or oxidized by time and space.
Do not doubt that everything, for as useless as it may seem, has a purpose or functionality you just don’t know or have yet.
Bro what do you be yapping about
Some of us are slower, some of us are faster; some of us are weaker, some of us are stronger; some of us are uglier, some of us are prettier,; some of us are dumber, some of us are smarter; some of us are different; some of us are “normal”. At the end of the day we are all humans, people of all kinds and sorts. A mixed bag of thought and form if you will.
Contemplating at your own achievements is an extraordinary activity to engage in, unless it gets in the way of achieving more things.
“Keep your goals realistic” is something you’re never gonna hear from me. Instead I am going to tell you: “Maintain your goals/objectives aligned to you. Pursuing a never-ceasing target will never grant you true satisfaction or purpose in the long run”.
Not again. I won't skip another day just becauseI think I can't continue, because althought it may be exhausting or simply not considerable to my attention; there's purpose and achievement nonetheless.
Knowing the severity of an obstacle or setback can completely alter the overall outcome. Attention could be of the utmost value when it is given the fastest.
May your start be one of grandiose enlightment and constant strengthening. Things are only going to get harder at some point in time; you will be ready for when they are as such.
A year is 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, about 8760 hours, which is near 489,600 minutes, or around 29,376,000 seconds. Everyone makes the mistake of underestimating or overestimating what they can do in these frames of time. Because you can do so much with so little or so little with so much, with every passing second you can get farther or closer to your goal depending on how most things have been accommodated by your actions and thinking. With newfound time; make the right choices.
Cycles that are nearing their end can often be of upmost importance. However something ends; another thing will start.
I assure you; many things will be accomplished if you don't steer away from the clear path right in front of you (more so if this path is carved in your own way of imagining).
Your priorities shouldn't counteract themselves...I've learned it the hard way.
Being inevitably and strictly bound to a particular fate is something that will never happen. After a sufficient amount of time; odds will be proved futile.
I don't think any day is a bad day as long as you've lived it in an honest way. I've lived with sincerity in recent days and that has proven me the point that I didn't lose anything because I am still me, a better me.
It may seem pointless but trust me; we’ll get there sometime.
Depending on whatever you choose; you will do and experience as it follows.
LIB2024/12/22 (Modified in 7 sec.)
Confidence in excess can blind you of your weakspots. No armor is bulletproof, with enough projectiles and other sorts of damage that facade can easily be plummeted into loss.
Regain your previously lost grounds, reclaim what was once yours then employ a better defense next time.
Those who have the strength often do not need to display it; only using it when it is strictly necessary.
With any day that I miss my routine; responsibility grows more and more. If I don’t do three it becomes six the next day. We must attend to our responsibilities before they become increasingly harder.
What's been of me? Was I inconsistent and indisciplined?
Manufacture that which is useful to you, and if you cannot do it by yourself; recruit some help. But do not gravitate only towards standard design made for the average person, especially if more assistance is required. Ultimately, everything and everyone is unique, no thing is undistinguishable from one another once you start looking at the ins and outs.
Good times are made not given. No special date or recompense's gonna grant that. But they aren't impossible to come by unless you don't embrace changes.
Excess isn't exclusively a good thing for obvious reasons. Too much of it can be as bad as too little of something. Only access a sufficient quantity of it.
What compels you to move can also stop you in your tracks. Constantly evolve your motives and motifs, if you do not adapt to change you will end up with a fossilized mindset.
Have you ever wondered: How did we get here? It was both mistakes and right choices that got us here, and in whatever shape or form you may be today; it's still you...
Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself; be afraid of never completing yourself.
Popularity brings forth so many opportunities, but only if you decide to accept the compromises involved involved in them.
Look for shortcuts at every place and situation. Contrary to conventional wisdom, you can find advantage and leverage without any drawbacks. Techniques and tools themselves are shortcuts (however, they’re considered more fair and no corner cutting), would you try to dig a hole without a shovel? No, unless you are trying to waste time and effort (orprobably, to exercise your forearms). And you do not explicitly need a spade to excavate successfully, there’s another solution all the time. Use it.
Most of the time, a bag of selected grains will have some other seed mixed in together, although to a lower proportion, yet it shouldn’t be ignored due to its potential impact on the overall product. A single wrongly placed seed could spell trouble to some people whose body doesn’t tolerate it. I’d say that life is also an arrangement of grains; of varying quality, quantity, and type which change the experiences you course through.
Poltroons, wimps, weaklings, caitiffs, cowards, and alike are the ones that choose to never challenge themselves. Lacking constant dispute is what makes them weaker and forces them to be comfortable with what they have. No matter the level; hardship ought to be for whomever sought to deny the cowardship that was.
Around 80% of people are successful because some type of persistence was applied. If you don't persist you won't ever find out if you will actually make it; every roll of the dice, every draw of the cards, every action is always determined to either succeed due to various factors including randomness and the quality of your attempts. If you keep trying and trying (with some improvement involved) you will surely get a lucky draw or beating the odds. Give it a try.
A specialized program/application will not truly bring prowess or development as a matter of course. You can be enrolled to an influential academy; only through effort you can end up capitalizing on it. For said reason there must be a clear sighting displayed by your desire to learn & earn regardless of how shoddy or second-rate expectations may be. The best teachers this world has to offer cannot inculcate successfully their dogma onto someone that's never to study, or at the very least discover. On the other hand, some of the best world-wide pupils will always have an open mind filled with interest and ardour towards what they want complemented with uncompromising perseverance, independently of how little chance they may have; somehow they will always push through throughout any craggy or unforgiving terrain to finally become a master that possesses similar attributes to a time when study was their priority. Superfluously, this can create another top-class maestro at an especial activity. Masters are not born, they are made through careful lesson and unceasing yearning.
Knowledge is more than just a tool, it is life itself. It is what grants leaders the ability to make the right calls and decisions. It is what helps the world develop thanks to science and method. It is what grants you the ability to read this right now. If someone ever tells you what curse it is to have all of these luxuries and knowledge, tell them that there's no wrong in having them, there's only wrong in not using them well. Because knowledge can go both ways, good and bad (of course). Wisdom can be used in otherwise scummy situations for one's own benefit. So make sure most of your supplies are clean, make sure that you you actually know what you need to know; if you know too much about useless stuff you will only end up stumped and decelerated towards your goals.
A risk & reward situation, one that could spell either grief or elation. But. Not every exchange/rate is fair or equal, for example, there are things whose gleanings are riskless passive action. Antagonistically, there exist processes that imply serious threats to you & other's welfare and do not lead to anywhere fruitful.
Situations may create a necessary need for unconditional trust with your life; there is no other choice. As an example, not everyone is capable of flying an air plane because they lack the knowledge and training to do so, or from other complications they may have. Which is why there are people specialized in a correlated array of practices; professions if you will, they need to have the answer to every problem that may arise; try their best when crisis arises. In society, everyone needs someone to count on. And although a small part of people are capable of living on their own, they still need something to fall back on when things go badly.
Hastening or drastically increasing your outputs can often bear tremendous disadvantages as well as immense recompenses. It can put pressure on your body; strain is caused in return, and with the possibility of outrunning whatever obstacle or menace you had encountered. I've undergone similar types of stress by spreading my capabilities too thin. It's not something we ought to completely withdraw from; eventually our ability and aptitude could be at a complete risk, and we might successfully overcome that occurrence if we are stupidly lucky (most likely not) or resourceful enough. However, if you do not ever challenge your talents; serious weakness and blankness could develop over time, and worst of all... You won't know if you were capable enough to begin with.
Who cares if a small fact you stated is wrong or right? If it does not play an important role then it shouldn't be overvalued.
Honor those who've given their all for you, especially your progenitors. They melded your present through smith and hammer, and although it isn't the best or worst; be grateful that there is at least a platform for you to start on.
There are so many amazing things and people in this world, and I wonder if I will eventually reach that level. A level in which everything in a field breaks apart into manipulable and precise chunks of information and matter. This is no easy feat, it requires value and reforming one's own current assumptions about that topic. A complete overhaul if you will, one path that not everyone is willing to cross despite the many benefits it may grant onwards.
Do you really need allat? Most things are straightforward
Clear signs of danger and hazard are usually present in everything. Those who decide to ignore said signs often ache the most. We can see in some people the consequences brought on by not being careful, with their body (or mind) residing in a state of agony or weakness that could've been avoided. Fortunately, there are more signs that specify a thing's capacity to administer pain and disturbance in the form of toxicity, injury, or other unplanned forms of damage. Displays equivalent to warning sounds, vibrant colors, unpredictability in behavior, fearsome size & dimensions, powerful physical abilities, and overall looks are some of the most unmistakeable signs of possible trouble. Having said that, the biggest exemplars of the perils related to danger and disaster are those individuals who weren't clever or lucky enough to avoid them in the first place. Keep in mind that everything is safe until you are exposed unto too much of it. Be advised that innocent and necessary matters such as water, food, and safety aren't exempt from this rule. Stay safe.
"It'd be better without them". "It would be better without it". Whatever you claim about something's existence or inexistence; its purpose is to be realized. By completely removing that part from the face of the earth way worse things may arise in its place, evils are necessary, especially whenever you know there are going to be greater ones that are an actual threat.
Don't be afraid to experiment outside of your common skills and necessities, venture out into challenging practices. For example, if a runner continues solely relying on a limited source of exercise and training; training and results will be dulled. Variety on the other hand will amplify their development by making them more adapted to more variable physical efforts.
There's an appeal to everything, including often taboo or irrational topics. Any kind of liking can bring a some level of happiness along with some benefits, but it can also carry misery and disadvantage to others, yourself included. In short; there's no behaviour or action free of shortcomings, however, there are some whose long-term benefits overwhelm the initial pain it may inflict (probably exercise and study). Choose wisely, but above all choose that which you like; what appeals to you. Undeniably you will feel great and happy, until you aren't due to the hidden plague within that which appeals to you.
I am still addicted to some dreadful habits of mine. But probably the worst habit there exists: Not recognizing your imperfections and mistakes, moreover not accepting them to make a change for the better.
Any type of feedback and critique is a must for anyone or anything that desires to achieve a higher standard. Without challenge, countless and supposedly perfect repetition won't fully account if there's no one receiving your efforts and providing you with a fair and elaborated response (or whatever form of answer). Look at how some lifeforms have adapted through harshness and unevenness, only the strongest (more like better adapted) survive. Challenge was responsible for driving their species towards success. However, they've only experienced a plethora of unique feedback exclusive to their environment, this in turn makes them either endemic; solely being able to live in a predetermined habitat with controlled and strict conditions, or invasive species; giving them a better chance at surviving within unfamiliar regions. In our case, we need to vary the obstacles and impediments that are in our path; so that we can be ready if any familiarity or safety is usurped away from us.
There's proof that good things can come out of bad things and contrariwise, it is mainly dependant on your aspirations and expectations, depending on what you picked the sky might look brighter & the task more manageable or it might look stormy and hard to perform through. Problems stem from every thought rather than any physical mean, you have to look at the silver lining that it may bring onto you. Even passing aways can teach you so many beautiful things.
Piercing mountains against a bright & cloudy sunset are a sight to behold. This and many other scapes can bee seen by most people, and in doing so they could find a bit of peace even if it is just for a moment. Do not cower away from nature's beauty, the utmost it can do to you is forcing you to learn bounteous knowledge about it (and probably a grotesque animal bite if you are not careful).
LIB2024/11/21 (Modified in 13 sec.)
The many ways have their many destinies. Only death/finale is the be-all and end-all for everyone and everything, and for as much grimace it may cause on the majority of humanity: Life is always following death. Something, good or bad, may come after all of this (I am not certain about it, but I am also not doubtful about it).
you can sell books if you combine all your comments in this site, Business idea for you
Cool idea! Eventually it might happen if I set myself up to it, but as of now I require more and more accumulation of sound words and phrases. Besides, all of what I've been commenting is just the tip of the iceberg (I am working on a big personal project right now). One that will eventually surface and unveil potential solutions.
Inch by inch, foot by foot or yard by yard commence on starting developing that new idiosyncrasy that will be a primary trait of your personality, it is as simple as practising fresh and promising habits. But you shouldn't ever abruptly embrace them unless you want to decrease the chances for it to stick to your routine. Furthermore, you can also apply this modus operandi to opposing something; straying and diverting your attention & action away from terrible things and situations (quitting a particular vice). But if the burden itself is somehow one that is too gratifying then trying to leave it for good will pose a much deeper challenge than embracing newfangled and beneficial things. You should also move centimetre by centimetre, decimetre by decimetre or metre by metre away from the aforementioned kinds of habitual behaviours. Relapse is potentially to occur if it is given acute and hurried riddance, and it can often become much more severe once it recovers the domain it once had on you.
Up your game by making many many changes, especially significant ones. I personally know that it can be difficult to, at the very least, think of it being a reality. But I didn't give up trying to embrace these modifications, whilst it was daunting at first, I successfully pulled off several modifications to my routines and work time, I also made other less crucial alterations like configuring the software that I use so that it is more efficient and easy to use (it makes writing way way easier) to me. Whatever it is you choose to modify or upgrade; take action to do so, and if you tragically fail at it remember that almost everything has a solution, and directly remind yourself that past mistake doesn't always take your chance to miss once again, but it also doesn't fully prevent your future self from being correct by directing your core through a new and promising rect that comes after disappointment or any learning. Now, continue on with your day however you like but at least try to fabricate change in body and mind.
Purposeless luxury is something that's only attractive to some people but not everyone, I ask to some, are those expensive shoes any use to you? There are people that don't even have the capacity to afford some cheap sandals; barefoot is the only footwear they have, so if you keep on misusing that money of yours you may be mocked or shun upon by others, I'd suggest you put it to good use by saving what you consider is necessary and spending wisely like tomorrow's the last day.
The lazy will create some really efficient ways to do some things, but when you negate human capacity you will end up hurting it in the long run. Look at farms then and now, more efficient and reliable, but some of their aspects have weakened (such as their nutritional value) Thanks to this we have so much safety, which is a good side of our actions. I'd advice you build much better foundations that are both efficient and helpful to your health, don't go on neglecting this latter aspect of you as it may be your demise later on.
Perfect symmetrical measures and actions won't happen all across the world, there is a reason why some people get away with crime of all level, no one is a perfect a perfect worker at what they do, why is this? Because we are human and not machines, but with the help of the latter we can cover our insecurities and attain a better result. But you can't rely too much on these for every job, we also need someone that's just as capable as our mechanical counterparts.
There are many purposes to a journey, some are just because physical needs like food, refuge, and overall safety. But there are other purposes to a journey like accomplishing an important goal you made to yourself, or defeating a particular challenge you face. By moving to another way you can accomplish the same, but only if you want to.
Quitting on attempting to use a tool that's not, quote on quote, fit for the job? I've seen rusty machetes cut and damage the largest of branches thanks to their good design and its user's technique. I don't see why you cannot advance on that particular field, perhaps you need to acquire the tool in the first place, but will you care for it? A roof can only sustain a limited quantity of damage, but it can last for longer periods of time when it's given attention by reinforcing its weaknesses and repairing any damage it has sustained. And this roof doesn't have to be made out of concrete, wood, tile or any other common material, some people use thatching made out of palms, straw, or many other materials. Although these materials may naturally rot away, damaged parts can be replaced and made useful once again.
Keypads and computer mice are just as important for proper user experience and capability. I personally neglect the latter whilst focusing way too much on the keyboard (just as how I am writing this message). I'd be wrong to admit I need to use it, but then I remember that it was created for a reason that's actually a pretty fair point.
Animals are so free, free of tremendous intellect and reasoning that is almost harmful to their own being. There's beauty in both ways of life, the average 9-5 worker could use some time in the wild to cool down and let its colours calm the mind; the animal could finally find peace in its endless search of uncertain food and safety. Something that's a fact is that both can learn and benefit from one another.
You are about to start a new chapter in your life, but only if you want to.. It will start tomorrow in a new day, as outrageous as it may sound: You can initiate this new and important chapter inside of your life just by setting yourself up for big changes; you can finally start working on that project you always wished to do, or perform that difficult and fearsome exercise you are not familiar with, possibly develop and strengthen connections with others or whatever else you desire to achieve just by organizing your life and mind along with equipping yourself with a limitless mindset for life. May I ask, what are you waiting for?
It goes up and down, back and forth, around, in between, or in whatever way it wants to, but it won't always go our way, that's life in its essence. The only thing we should always be contempt of is that it is still going and that it hasn't stopped. Once it stops we may see that our actions had a certain result and resonance with others, and thanks to it, you might have just made their life a little bit easier.
Escalation and de-escalation, the two are different sides from the same coin. But only the latter is the most preferred way of operation, with it you could defuse conflicts that could develop into a fight. But avoiding violence and offence isn't the easiest of tasks which is why we may resort to more primitive method of solution like fighting till we use our very own bare hands. In short, be the biggest person in the room by not wanting to prove you are just that, just be a person; a human that doesn't resolve debate by showing off physical means of dissuasion, use value and reason instead, there is always a way through the maze that is the mind of someone, by pushing and flicking the right combination of buttons and switches you can show them a better path of life without having to raise a single finger.
I am running out of time, you are running out of time, and everyone in the world is running out of time. Every single living second you spend doing whatever it is that you are doing is gone once it has passed. However, this does not intrinsically mean that there won't be any rewards or penalties, if you can, make the most of the time you are granted. By maximizing its utility you are more prone to live a safe and normal life, but it shouldn't come at the cost of the enjoyment it might give you. Live any way you want, just live.
It appears that I my messages are becoming more delirious unbeknownst to me, I will just keep fabricating and ideating more and more things without any reason whatsoever, or at least strive only towards a gilded and shinier future; there are riches beyond supposed appearances.
There are invisible forces at play... Yes I mean it literally, there are things and energy we cannot feel completely but have an effect on us. An obvious example is gravity, which we do in fact feel. But we ignore it as a secondary rule that dictates our movement; it has an immeasurable effect on our performance and being. There are many examples of these non-visible powers, but we do not have to feel or know them fully for them to function in our favour (or against us).
Stand up and fight, life will only continue to palter pelter those that aren't willing to do something about it. And if you cannot stand on your feet, kneel if you can; if you can't kneel, crawl if you can; and if you cannot crawl, live as you can. The important part is that you attack back with your own rocks (accomplishments and actions}, create your own defense, dodge whatever it throws your way, or at the very least try to accept the injury and pain caused by it.
Do not allow negative thoughts to infect you, because although these ire-charged projections might bestow you with incredible strength, power, and focus they still produce a great quantity of bile and side-effects. It can have the huge drawback of spreading unnecessary damage and corruption. Positive thoughts, on the contrary, provide you with a persistent level of rightful action that's related to that particular topic. It simply is the complete opposite of negativity. Neutral thoughts, on the other dimension, do not offer much aside from stability and fairness, they're the balance that keeps them together and clashing. They're just as important as the other two to not allow you to hang way too far from sustainable points.
We are naturally good at coping with our struggles, however, this cope isn't always a good thing; it can be taken advantage from others, which is why eating ready-to-eat processed food is a thing. Things that are make us feel good and away from that original affliction will almost always hook us into continue further indulgence into them. We all have to cope in some way, but others choose to use that energy for constructive, formative, and calming methods rather than damaging and hampering habits that show their true results once enough repetition has taken place.
Personal plans shouldn't be unveiled to anyone except for yourself and a select group of individuals who you trust with your whole soul. If you go on revealing people your methodology and process it might be more likely for them to more excited or emotional about it, but at the cost of removing most of the element of surprise. In the end, it is way worse if you leave this information to your enemy's analysis. Just tell enough, not too little; not too much.
Accept the help and gift that others give to you, especially if they are someone you can trust and always enjoy spending time with. Having being granted the permission to partake in the employance of a particular good/service with the added condition of not directly being responsible for its acquisition; it was instead given to you by another person whose relation to you resides in on a positive scale. If you choose to reject, ignore, or waste it you may meet the dangers an a little shaken alliance simply because of the fact that you hurt that person's feelings and intentions.
Rich or poor, so what? Strong or weak, so what? Smart or stupid, so what? Right or wrong, so what? In a nihilistic way, it does not matter. Perhaps the only thing that matters is how you feel with the result of your actions, nothing else except for honest and genuine thought will fill that void. However, not everything feels okay.
You need to take more photos, screenshots, and any shape of memory of both accomplishment and failure, especially those involving family and friends. A picture can reveal to you over a thousand things about a person/object, images taken at different time periods will reveal to you different characteristics related to that person which you can realize when comparing one time to another. I've forsaken this small and useless habit for some, but once you start actively engaging in in it you can learn so much about life and its value that are shown through the lenses of what goes before your eyes. Take these snapshots with whatever is at your disposal, chances are if you are reading this it is likely that you are able to employ wield a camera.
All of us have a tendency to do the right thing at the wrong place/time, or vice-versa. We also hold the tendency to make wrongful conclusions that do not assist in our our and other's development. I, for example, have the tendency to not properly convey a message or comment. You might have the tendency to scroll down and read said message. Who knows what else we all tend to do? Whatever it is, no habit is inherently bad or good, it only is convenient or inconvenient; this also applies to our tendency to do or not do something.
We all hold specific fears although there's nothing to be afraid of, i for example am afraid of... Of things that aren't actually of much use and are actually completely useless to be afraid of (and heights). The only thing we should all fear about is dying a mirthful life, if you die poor but with an overwhelming level of kindness and wisdom you can at least be remembered by those akin to you.
Compasses are just as important as maps, without direction or some point of passive reference you'd be likely to wander around; without a concise plan or some sketch of your location you may stumble around until you find your destination.
Blueprints are a crucial part of almost every building, plan, and structure. Structures that don't employ at least some form of visualization will simply be inaccurate despite their functionality, And you yourself need them, as without them you may be subject to stepping over yourself through every mistake that could've been prevented.
Original sources are always have a better effect when compared to an offspring fountain of it, however, the difficulty to achieve this is way too extended too much. Which is why most are just fine with a distinct origin.
No one will experience the pain you have endured until they've experienced exactly the same thing. However, most forms of pain are similar to each other. We can't assume some people suffer more from it just because it is unique, after all, we all feel at least some physical need. And these feelings is something shared among us, most of us can comprehend common occurrences like death, birth, and life situations. Therefore, we can say that we somewhat understand someone else's pain. But not fully.
LIB2024/10/26 (Modified in 20 sec.)
Only a mad man is able to do something completely out of the ordinary, something that no one is willing to do because of the risks and humiliation associated with them.
Hotter temperatures might make you somewhat feel everything else as colder, possibly comfortable and viceversa. When you grow accustomed to one thing it might be harder for you to withstand its opposite pole, but climate is the lesser example of this. Think of any field you can think of and apply this theory.
Mosquitoes are annoying, just like any small bug whose intention is solely to leech from us, we can slap, clap, grab, crush, push them away and once and for all rid from them. There are also thoughts of a similar nature that only deprive us from our potential. Capture them and decide on whether you can release them or kill them completely. Once you've dealt with them you will find some much needed peace and good riddance of parasites.
Time must be taken in order for you to recover and rid yourself of any malefict.
LIB2024/10/21 (Modified in 1 h. 18 min.)
The body is wise, but if the mind isn't any wiser; this won’t matter at all.
Subjecting yourself to the same struggles will simply and straightforwardly make you the more resilient person to that kind of force.
LIB2024/10/21 (Modified in 12 sec.)
Feeling alive, for as dead as you may be, will prove that there is still a lot of life in you.
You can maintain your abilities and knowledge, or possibly further advance them, but only if you keep learning and practising it.
Break free from it, I once again (another time) tell you that you are free to direct your own destiny and that no mental cuff, independent of if it is self-imposed or cast upon you by others, will detain you from achieving success.
Family days should be used for that for family, you can continue on doing your usual stuff but you can also vary on something that's harsh but needed.
If you maintain the same level you will live on the same mediocre plane, you need to take a step ahead and move on with life to a higher difficulty that's sure to bring you discipline and good thought.
Masters can do works so potent and fast like a machine-gun, with such power and speed that would terrify whatever task they exceed at, but for that to be the case they need to train and prepare themselves a lot.
So many great people have died... Will you become one of them? You may be remembered as an icon or as someone who triumphed in the name of a cause (or others) and not just for yourself.
Believe it or not, but I think our thoughts might cycle around period of 3 months, with some staying with us forever due to their relevance to our wellbeing.
There exists both a beast and a machine inside of you. Release them accordingly; when you need physical power you use the first one, and whenever mental cognizance is required you employ the latter. And of course there is also a human who regulates them through emotion.
Imagine it, it'll be easier for it to happen.
A simple mutation can position someone above the game, or negatively, put them in an inferior position. But... If nature has thought us something it's that randomness will always be an important part of it; with more variety come more opportunities, thanks the these slight defects at birth (or later developed in life) some creatures can outlive their peers and possibly spread the traits that gave them advantage. Nature loves gambling! Despite the many advantages one blueprint may have over the other; luck will shape it until it resembles something different than what it originally was. Take for example, some reptiles have maintained a similar look to their very ancient ancestors; they've been altered into something similar but not exactly the same animal. Concluding this yapping session, and to not bore you; your genetics aren't going to stop you from living, you may hold many disadvantages or advantages over specific tasks, but with time, effort, tool, and being knowledgeable you can possibly break those hard-coded limits. No gene is best when given the worst of materials (food and nutrition) and habits.
Deaf words to deaf ears; there is always a way for anyone to listen although they may not want to. Use every medium within your reach to finally reach your message's receiver, nowadays it is easier than ever! So why not do it? Why not reach out to those who need to know of you and your works?
LIB2024/10/10 (Modified in 6 d.)
Tell everyone your tales! No story is wrong when it has made you who you are, which is why I often try to recount 80% of my happenings to others for as embarrassing or boring they may sound; there are so many teachings and lessons to be learned because every day is an opportunity which anyone can take, you may end up knowing more than yesterday, last week, last month, and possibly last year. After all, knowledge is to be shared not exclusive to a few individuals.
There are people who possess the inner talent of recognizing someone else's inner talents. These are, for the most part, teachers and couches.
Say what you want to say, don't be afraid about being wrong or right; be afraid of never saying a word about it. If it's a personal thing people may take it to the heart and feel either glad or disgusted, regardless, you must say your words out loud, especially to those you care about. If you choose to stay silent nothing will happen, your thoughts will only be ideas and plans to be made or somehow arranged; talking is an action (writing too, obviously).
Hello Friend!
Give deep underground sepulture to those regrets, vices, and weaknesses that have plagued your life, but only after you've learned from them and defeated them completely; with no chance for them to haunt you once again. If you don't seriously put an end to them, they will only keep coming back, rising from the ground (almost like a zombie) and changing into something more dangerous (or less harmful) with every unsuccessful riddance you've attempted.
There are people who are willing to inspire others no matter the cost, and there are people who are unwilling to do so; pushing others around and placing them in a lower spot. I sure hope I am the former kind of person, I'd not enjoy being a false human who needs to rely on making a fool out of everyone else to feel better about myself. If you haven't caught on what I am trying to say, it is best if your happiness comes from within you; feeling proud about the compassionate actions you've taken so far.
Many human achievements occurred due to holding comprehension about more than one topic; when combined something greater could be made, and so forth. Although, sometimes great breakthroughs can happen due to sheer dumb luck. All because of a "whoopsie daisy" that could've never happened if things went a different route, I can think of so many examples relevant to random discoveries but I'd like for you to break into this information by yourself. Regardless of how amazing this sounds we mustn't leave human progression to accidental discovery, which is why most knowledge nowadays has been standardized to inform about common knowledge about our life matters. And with knowledge in hand almost every tool and interaction becomes much more easier to deal with so that you can continue moving up in life.
Great ideas don't exclusively originate from great people. Commoners and rowdy peasants can generate brilliant concepts that king above riches and fame. But it isn't an easy task as it's more than just the spontaneous appearance of thought; it is the thoroughgoing connection that's formed between action and deep understanding. Once it is finally reached you may not initially see the benefits you've acquired in doing so, but once you start working and reproducing that idea you won't be the only one obtaining profitable gains and commodities, people that are directly or indirectly accessing to your breakthroughs will have an easier time in their lives all thanks to the dedication and brainpower you poured into that idea. And because of it, others will find your achievements as a bridge to improve their day-to-day and further develop humanity, may I add that said bridgework can possibly last for hundreds and hundreds of years? So go ahead and think, think as much as you can about whatever you can; you might be the next breaker who makes a through in our world.
LIB2024/10/04 (Modified in 1 d. 1 h.)
Ask for more time; it might be given to you, but remember that you will not be granted too much of it if you don't prove why should you have access to that kind of time. And most important above all: You cannot ask for an infinite amount of time, as harsh and difficult as it may be, you simply cannot be given an infinite quantity of attempts and time; therefore one shall make the most with the time that's at disposal, and if your efficiency and effectivity is sufficient you may just save enough that it might seem like you have much more time on your side (and it can practically be that).
Self harm is one of the worst kinds of hurting one can experience, whatever the reason it should be avoided at all costs. There is no worse kind of betrayal than self-betrayal. However, be aware that, there is a clear line between enduring a struggle and suffering just for the sake of suffering. Feeling pain is what's needed in order for your mind and body to adapt, not too little and not too much, expose yourself to what is needed. If you hide in the same shell of an excuse you won't become any stronger or tougher, there are many kinds of harm; mental, physical, and emotional. Harden your own self through enough exposure, it is a duty you must take. A clear example of it: Practice, it is painful and bore-some enough to discourage most people from continuing the process, and yet once you are subjected to a lot of training and knowledge you can become a master at that particular thing. All because you decided to slowly and steadily embrace the many steps needed to become one whilst avoiding indulging in counterproductive activities to that speciality.
Whoever neglects/forgets their family, neglects/forgets themselves. It is your own blood, you should also take care of them. And if you or anyone doesn't find a way to get along, you should at the very least be on decent terms before forever ignoring them.
People don't really leave us, their possessions, actions and will can still have an impact on our and other's future. However, you already know this.
Prolonging the life of something or someone will almost always be a common priority, we all would like for our family and friends to live forever; at the very least one or more decades. But in doing so: Rust, oxidization, decay, degeneration, and excesses will start corroding that lovely thing's appearance and functionality. To the point where it can no longer serve its purpose and is experiencing severe pain. Let them go once it has been enough.
bro's #1 opp left the dislike button alone...
LIB2024/09/30 (Modified in 1 d. 2 h.)
I guess I have more willpower than them. Anyways, I will stop once I am done with my objective. Good day, pal!
Welcome back! I still do not understand the reason of your disliking... Maybe you are having a bad day or something, whatever it is; I do not welcome those who criticize for the sake of criticizing. Fair criticism must be given, especially when it is something we despise with the deepest pits of our heart, else it just becomes an opinion; a salty and shallow opinion.
Don't under-do, undertake, under-make, under-produce, under-lap, under-run, under-look, under-think, undersell, under-buy, underwork, under-exercise, under-sleep, under-bake, undercook, underplay, under-eat, under-use, under-train, or any other positive thing or habit that starts with under-. There is a reason why it is called under-, probably because it is done in a way that remotely resembles what's normal. Go on a small but incremental pace until you can finally do things normally.
Don't overdo, overtake, overmake, overproduce, overlap, overrun, overlook, overthink, oversell, overbuy, overwork, overexercise, oversleep, overbake, overcook, overplay, overeat, overuse, overtrain, or any other negative (most things in excess are) action or situation that starts with over-. There is a reason why it is called over-, probably because it is done in a way that far surpasses what's normal. Go on a regular pace until you can surpass yourself with enough resistance and preparation.
Everyone has lied/cheated in some way and in some part of their lives. No one has the strength or intelligence to completely avoid making these mistakes, and, we can sometimes do it accidentally. There is nothing wrong in doing so, its wrongfulness arises when you over-rely on it. To sum it up, no one likes liars/cheaters and more so those who are self-centered and manipulative. You should only employ these dirty tactics once you have no other way around or if your life is endangered. You should also learn how to ward off said strategies; it's guaranteed that they will be used against you in some part of your life.
Did you perhaps... Turn off the light? As silly as this may sound; its a common occurrence we all experience as humans. We forget to shut down resource-consuming utilities because we like the comfort of having them almost always ready to go, besides who likes to manually shut it down completely? You'd have to bend down, reach for the cables, carefully unplug the device's power, and voila! It is done. I personally don't dislike doing this, things should wake up whenever their owner tells them to (except for actual living pets and animals). Letting them plugged in will only continue to drain energy, decrease your assiduity and control, and it could possibly cause an accident due to malfunction or overheating.
Dedicate enough time to your family and friends, you cannot solely focus on your personal goals or in work. Once you start working on both your ship (responsibilities) and relationships you will have an easier and more enjoyable life.
Sabotage is one of the worst ways for a system, thing, or person to fall. To crumble, not from an external force; but due to an internal conflict, it is one of the most important problems to prevent, additionally, I may add that on a personal level; I've experienced betrayal from someone I was supposed to trust with my heart. Trust is a neutral action that gets its alignment thanks to the trader and the purchaser who receives goods/services. If you employ deception to fulfil a good purpose, then it is a good form of tampering. On the negative side, when trickery is used in the name of someone's interests, then it is inherently considered a vulgar and gaudy action. Similar to a bacteriophage to a bacteria, or to a body. It employs what we fear the most: Utter sabotage from the inside, hijacking and manipulating what was originally intended. For as dreadful as this may sound; it can have a positive impact when done in a calculated and controlled manner.
Being strong is completely different from having strength, one is a quality and the other is the quantity of physical demand you can handle. In life, there are people that don't have a brawny body and still manage to push through difficult tasks by applying everything they have at their disposal; their knowledge, intelligence, connections, bravery, steadfastness, and many other values they may possess. I've known some people whose physical form doesn't topple mountains and yet they are able to move them like it's a walk in the park; through their very same wisdom and persuasion over others. I've also known some people whose notion on life hasn't been grasped, and although they continue on moving and lifting every load they can; their score is yet to be graded, it is without good form, diet, mind, schedule, habits, toughness, knowledge, and assistance. Instead opting on moving the way their body demands (detrimental to correctly exercising), eating whatever they are given and taking the most appealing supplement, always thinking superficially about everything, doing things as they may come, engaging in specious habits that cause problems later down the line, pushing far but not as far as they actually can, believing gaudy titbits of info they may hear sometimes, going solo or accompanied by bad influences. Everybody lacks something, but no one should ever lack the ability to learn from mistakes.
When you start something at morning and finish it at night you are either extremely inefficient or incredibly dedicated to that craft. The latter situation is always preferable, but only if you are actually actively focusing and working hard towards your art/work.
LIB2024/09/22 (Modified in 17 sec.)
Burying your past regrets, knowledge, mistakes, belongings, and experiences will only continue to further downgrade you and others' potential. You shouldn't hide these achievements and mishaps although it may hurt to show them to everyone, if you maintain your truth concealed for a long time (possibly across millennia) your legacy may end up more distorted and misunderstood. Let humanity learn from your mistakes, accomplishments, passions, wisdom, and every part of your being.
When you are not loved you may undoubtedly resort to hating others indiscriminately. But this is rarely the case since there are people close to you who care a lot about you, and there could be others who are completely unrelated to you and yet find a way to give you importance.
Gladness can come from any place, but it is especially granted by talking about your life with others whilst recognizing every tiny detail that's made you who you are, of course this also involves gratefulness. In this conversation it may arise to them talking about their issues and current struggles, and when you compare in a positive way everything someone has to suffer through, what it means for them, and finally that your own livelihood isn't as harsh as theirs.
Simply put (once again), you don't know what was lost until you lose it. Taking things for granted will only grant you with laments and sorrows. Assume that every single object and person you know will eventually fade into obscurity and be buried deep underground, but in that thought you must also assume that they'll be brightening your days for as long as they can live.
So many of the good things in life require patience, a lot of wait time. For example, if you practice playing an instrument everyday for years and years with excitement to educate yourself more and more you can get to become a complete master in that instrument and possibly in music as a whole. We must be persistent even though we don't see any progress being made, we can only see the true results of our habits after weeks, months, and years. There are also effects that present themselves with a more short-lived waiting time, through milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, and days in which they finally reveal their consequences. Of course these aren't always as long-lived and positive as the good things in life.
In history there'll always be the figures who helped others in need without asking anything but their wellbeing in return. These people are some of the most honored historic individuals, they've caused liberation, freedom, independence, and revolutions. These are the fathers and mothers of a country or a movement, one that was built on their ideals and actions. Without them most things wouldn't have been fair for everyone, there'd be enslavement, inequity, abuse, and many more atrocious acts. Thank them for what they've done for you and others.
A day can always be a good day when you spend time with family and friends (cliché? Yes). You don't need much aside from half-decent food and a big enough room.
People will primarily remember you for what you meant for them and what you did. And that memory is subject to judgement. Did you help them? Or did you take advantage of them and cruelly ruined their lives?
In a duel of malevolent habits and situations only the worse of the worse will win: Continuing said habits. Regardless of how small or insignificant they may seem, if you choose to prolong their life and effect on you then it will compound into a catastrophic result.
LIB2024/09/13 (Modified in 20 sec.)
Through reform and change a system can evolve, this is the usual way to progress in life. If you are not willing to confront them, then don't expect ever advancing if you want to stay the same.
Zig-zag your way through tricky problems and puzzling circumstances. It cannot affect you if you aren't present for the effects to take form. Of course you can't keep avoiding trouble, there will be a challenge that's too big or important for you to ignore or avoid, this test won't spare you and will test your wits if you've ever built any.
If you care too much about what others say of you then you will simply live by their qualifications designed to you. You should only partially care about what others think of you, it isn't advisable for you to live excluding others and their ideas about you. Accept fair criticisms and carry on with your days.
Anonymity makes wickedness more feasible as it is less likely to be caught red handed. But we aren't to do evil out of easy opportunities or perform good out of impossible difficulties. We have a choice to make and it won't be wrong or right, it will be our choice and only that in the end.
You are free to rest, but you aren't free to give up. Do not give up just yet.